Thursday, October 13, 2005

Morality Poem 1: Learned Frustration

Give up before you've tried,
Accept the risks denied,
Embrace the tired lies,
LOSE the joys of Pride.

(Inspired by early schoolbooks, such as The New England Primer, which taught lessons with insightful rhyming couplets, e.g., "Time cuts down all, Both great and small" and "The idle Fool, is whipt at School.")

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason:

    Occasionally I occasionally "borrow" from your POsts, partially, but to day I have to reprise your Post in whole because it was so timely and apt to my "PLAYfool" yesterdae!

    PS: If thou oblige with postal addrss (to I would like to pay token "royalty" with a "signed kopi" of my Anthology (read June 1 entry at

    PS: I took part 3X in your writes contests; thanks for the chance to expand Blogs network and work my grey matter a li'l:).
