Saturday, November 19, 2005

Where They Sleep

I thought you might appreciate a context for the recent cemetery series:

Occupying a beautiful vista over rolling farmland, the Forks of the Brandywine Presbyterian Church in West Brandywine Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania was founded September 26, 1735 on the colonial frontier forty miles west of Philadelphia. Mills, farming, and a nearby iron furnace served as the local industries. The cornerstone of the current sanctuary was laid on August 7, 1875.

As I visit other graveyards (maybe even some venerable ones in Philadelphia itself), I'll be sure to give you a little tour of those too.


  1. Jason, Your cemetery shots always remind me of home. I lived in DE (and MD for my entire life before that) for about 6 years between high school and now. As much as there's not a ton happening in DE, it's close to some spectacular scenery. I hate to admit it, but it makes me miss my time there.

  2. That's a really beautiful and peaceful photo.
    There are no leaves left over here.
    We have an almost forgotten cemetary around here. I've not visited it...but other family members have. Has a cannon in it.
    Maybe I'll take my camera over there and take a pic...just for you!!

  3. Jason, I love that first pic. Beautiful!

  4. The Northeast has a picturesque landscape unmatched by the rest of the US. I guess each part of the US has its own charm. My husband and I stayed at a B&B in Vermont last October...simply breathtaking.

  5. I know this may be a weird thing to wonder, but hey, it's me we're talking about... I wonder how old that tree is by the church?! It looks absolutely immense! These are great photos.

  6. Hey Jason,
    I love the pics dude. They're GREAT!
    But tell me my man, wass up with the cemetery thing?
    I'm having nightmares lately :)
    NICE post!
    Cheers :)

  7. jason- I've always thought most cemeteries have their own kind of serene beauty. These photos are no exception. :)

  8. Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been prompt in replying. I was up in the mountains bagging a turkey for Thanksgiving. (If you're having a veggie loaf for Thanksgiving, please don't flame me!) Can't get more free range than that!

    Kara, I know what you're saying. Southeastern Pennsylvania is very beautiful with rolling hills and old stone houses. Hopefully your feelings are bittersweet, not bitter.

    Michele, I'd love to see pictures of the cemetery! If you don't mind, of course.

    Kelly, the church is very striking. It's called Forks of the Brandywine because this area where I live lies between the east and west branches of the Brandywine River. Closer to Delaware is where the Battle of the Brandywine occurred during the Revolutionary War.

    Mermaid, Vermount certainly is breathtaking! My wife and I had our honeymoon there. We ran into a moose on our first walk!

    Livewire, yes the tree is immense. Old trees are such treasures. Up in the mountains, I have a few huge Eastern Hemlock trees on a northern slope. Given their position and slow growth rate, they almost certainly predate Europeans in North America. Very awe-inspiring to stand next to them.

    Farzad, like Jeff said after you, I feel a "serene beauty" in old cemeteries. I certainly hope I'm not responsible for your nightmares! ;)

    Jeff, yes, I feel the same way.

    --Here endeth the mammoth reply--

  9. Jason, I put this in my comments responding to your comment.

    But I want to make sure you see it, so I copy and pasted it here too...covering all the bases as it were....

    Ooooo, NO , I don't believe I knew that you were a Latin Major in college.
    *sheepish ponder*,
    Is the phrase right?
    I find your Major

    I'll be up front about my Latin.
    I recently hooked up with the coolest book
    X-TREME LATIN by Henry Beard or as he calls himself,
    Henricus Barbatus.
    If you really enjoyed Latin and Still do, then, really, I recommend getting this book. You will Laugh Your Socks Off!!!!
    Vero, Vero

    So now you know,.
