Friday, December 16, 2005

A Farmer's Epitaph

Harvests in the field
Sorrows never healed
Stacking walls of stone
Watch the soil sealed.

(Unmarked rural cemetery, Wayne County, Pennsylvania)


  1. I really like that picture. Are the tombstones facing the road? How bizarre...

  2. Beautiful words to a beautiful picture.

  3. Anne, yes, the tombstones face the road! There are stairs to the road, but really no place to walk. Have to watch that a car doesn't clip you. Back when the road was traveled by horse only, though, that wouldn't have been a problem.

    BeadinggalinMS, thank you! The picture really captures the spirit of that area.

    M.G. Tarquini, :)

  4. jason- I like the effect of light and shadows in this picture. :)

  5. Really great scene you captured, Jason!

  6. Hi!. Tried to email it bounced back to me. Do you have an updated address?

    Just as well it bounched back. The synopsis I sent was godawful.

  7. The email is still good. Maybe Yahoo was having a problem.

  8. I sent to the wrong address. I sent an experimental to your email to make sure I have the right one. I'll send a reworked synopsis after I rework it. Thanks so much.

  9. I agree - beautiful picture, beautiful words. They tie together really well.

  10. The stone wall appears half finished, and I wonder which lives were also half-lived, both in time and attitude.

  11. Farzad, sometimes pictures from late in the day have striking contrasts. Some snuck into this one!

    Terri, I think about how close these country cemeteries are to the families buried there. There's a special poignance to seeing the graves on the hill outside your window.

    Mermaid, that's a great observation. One does wonder about the significance.

  12. What a pretty spot for a final resting place...

  13. I like the picture, though I HATE where it is. LOL!


  14. Jane, I think I'll reserve my spot now. :)

    Tanya, what's wrong? Don't you like cows? They're very sweet. Really. ;)

  15. That is such an interesting photo. Kind of like one's final, eternal look out over their domain.

  16. Hi Jason.
    I read a little ways through your blog the other day, the post beneath this is excellent, capitol E!
    Now that the holidays are here, I'll be able to have a proper look around over the next days.

    PS Thank you most kindly for your comments, much appreciated!

  17.'s final, eternal look over their domain.... Very nicely put! :)

    Autumn storm, thanks for the visit and the compliment! I look forward to seeing you back.

  18. This looks eerily like a graveyard I once visited in Snowdonia.

  19. I love old cemeteries. The one near Central City was a favorite before the gambling made the journey up there unenjoyable.
    And if I've said that at this blog before, I apologize! I can't remember what I've said where sometimes!
    The Cheesy 1

  20. UTMG, I like to get a feel for the essence of any given region. Very intriguing when two or more in vastly different parts of the world are similar.

    Cheesemeister, don't worry. Any comment is a good comment!

  21. Great pix! I love it, even if it is so close to the road and tombstones facing the asphalt!

  22. Robin, I think it's just like how old houses are close to the road. Back when they were built, a few horses going by each day wasn't a big problem.

  23. i love that photo. reminds me of where i used to live in iowa.

  24. Thanks, Anne. Enjoy!
