Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Holidays!

As the northern world floats in darkness and cold, remember the untold years of humans upon the Earth and how the ancients shuddered under the narrow sun and the vast curtains of night. Gather in the warmth with family and friends and catch the sparkle of life-giving light in your eyes.

Beyond all religion, we are one in this. Beyond all conflict, in the labors upon the circling Earth we share.

And as a small gift in this holiday time, I offer you a bit of music. A carol played by me on the shuttle pipes, a fireside version of the great highland bagpipes. Enjoy!
Veni Emanuel


  1. jason- Bravo! Bravo! Well done my friend. Thanks, and Merry Christmas. :)

  2. Jason, wow, so awesome. Thanks, and Happy Holidays to you and your family. =D

  3. Wonderful, Jason! Happy Holidays. :)

  4. Any other talents we should know about, Jason? If you ask me, I bet the festivities were invented specifically for the season. No, I'm not blasphemous, as all beliefs are held in the cradle of this piece.

    Jason, this was just right!

  5. Certainly fitting thoughts to consider and the music... that was you? Really you?! I've always loved that sound; it's one of the few things in life that can bring me to a full stop no matter what I'm doing. So, thoughts to ponder, music to listen to... a very happy holiday to you as well.

  6. Happy Holidays Jason. Actually, happy winter! Thanks for the lovely wishes.

  7. Jeff, Kelly and Heather, thanks and have a wonderful holiday!

    Mermaid, I think you're right. Enjoy your "first" holiday season!

    Livewire, I'm glad you enjoyed the bagpipes. Yes, that's me. A couple of years ago the usual insanity struck, and I thought it would be cool if I could record directly onto the computer. A few hundred dollars later, this was the result. Have a great holiday in your new/old city!

    Kara, enjoy your visit home. Have a wonderful holiday!

  8. Wonderful, inspiring post! Merry Christmas! :-)



  9. Great, Jason! Very well done!
    I wish you and your family a very happy holidays and magical Xmas.
    Thanx & Cheers :)

  10. Ow! Have no sound :-(

    Merry Christmas, Jason, hope you have a most wonderful day :)

  11. Tanya, Merry Christmas to you too!

    BeadinggalinMS, thank you! Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

    Farzad, thanks! Happy Holidays!

    Autumn Storm, I'll leave the file up, so maybe you can catch it later. Hope you had a wonderful day too!

  12. Merry Whateveryouwanttocelebrate!!!

    (oh and lovely post, indeed we remember the those ancients, shuttering in the darkenss and cold as we imagine a future without conflict)

  13. Mysfit, thanks! I guess I'm a bit of a nonconformist. ;)

  14. maybe you are Peter Pan?
