Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year 2006!

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2006 and to thank you for 2005. I started this blog in August with only a general plan. All of you helped me shape it with your participation and comments these past months. I've learned a great deal about my writing, and through your feedback, I believe I've improved. I'm in your debt.

It's almost midnight here in the eastern U.S., so here's a toast to you! Cheers!

(The picture is from my day trip through the Poconos. In a snow storm, no less.)


  1. Happy New Year!! That picture is beautiful! One word describes it to me since it is still 61 here BBRRR!!! :)

  2. The Best Year Ever to you and your, dear guy.

  3. And a very happy new year to you and your family, Jason.

  4. A bright new year to you as well, Jason. :)

  5. Happy New Year! May 2006 bring you many, many blessings!

  6. Happy New Year! Hope all your wishes for 2006 come true!

  7. Nice picture, jason.
    Happy New Year :)

  8. Photos like that remind me why I miss Pennsylvania. Then they remind why I'm glad I live in Phoenix now. This one is gorgeous.

    May 2006 bring health and happiness to you and yours. May you reach your writing goals and may you continue to consider me a friend. I'm very glad I found this site. Mindy

  9. Happy New Year, Jason! I love the picture but brrr it looks cold.

  10. Happy New Year, Jason!! Cheers to you in 2006!!

  11. What a wonderful picture, and a lovely wish for us. Thanks. And same to you!

  12. Oh, I LOVE that Pic!!!

    It snowed during New Years Eve but we only got about 3 inches.

    Thanks for the New Year's wishes on my blog.

    BTW-yeah, its a new icon. I messed up so I blogged a rant.
    I'm so glad your blog ended up being better than you hoped. That's always wonderful .. when things go right.

    All the best!!

  13. I'm a relative newcomer to your blog, but I hope I stick around for a while to watch the evolution.
