Sunday, December 11, 2005

Islands in Mist

One mountaintop to another
A river of fog between
Bound by the rumpled ages
Cut by a day's fatigue.


  1. This is what struck me about the picture. The trees can obscure the image that one mountain sees. It can frustrate, or it can be an unveiling of something spectacular.

    Your words "cut by a day's fatigue" leave me weary, carrying the fog till I can relieve the burden in Spring.

  2. relaxing pic, actually.

    Love nature anyway.

    Thanks for sharing with us readers your visions through the camera!

  3. I love the pic, it looks peaceful.

    If this were a school assignment I would say the words could be about an old married couple. It's kind of sad.

    Or I could be seeing ghosts in the fog.

  4. Mermaid, the mountaintops are secretive in the summer--little worlds encircled by leaves. Only in the winter does their place in the greater world become clear. (P.S. In time your Spring will come.)

    Michele, pictures are so powerful. I really do enjoy sharing them. :)

    Terri, that's a cool take on the verse! I enjoy pairing pictures with short verses. Easily digestible, yet they can linger with you a long time.

  5. Hey J,
    Great picture dude and a wonderful poem.
    This image reminds of the early morning when I hit the water for some fly fishing.

  6. I love how the poem implies motion but directly states only stillness. Very cool.

  7. Just what I needed to see early in the morning. It's nice and peacful. Thanks for sharing that.


  8. Farzad, a fly fisherman! Very nice. I've been known to fly fish myself.

    Kara, it struck me how something so close could be made so distant by the effort to get there. Before cars, it probably wouldn't be inconceivable that two families living on either mountain might never actually meet one another.

    Tanya, take a breath of the crisp air!

  9. Excellent image, Jason. Love how you caught the fog just like that. =)

  10. Mysfit and Kelly, it was a brisk morning, but despite my numbed fingers, I had to capture it for you. :)

  11. WONDERFUL picture! Great work!

  12. You must have just missed Johnny Depp riding past on a horse.

  13. Robin & BeadinggalinMS, :)

    UTMG, LOL! The spot is not terribly, terribly far from Sleepy Hollow.

  14. jason- Now you have me humming "foggy mountain breakdown." Have you ever tried "humming" a banjo tune? It ain't easy. hehe
    Nice picture :)

  15. Jeff, at least it's not dueling banjos. :)

    M.G., thanks!

  16. Thanks Jane. It isn't a great picture technically or as art, but I did like the moment it captured.

  17. What feelings and good memories this photo and poem bring back to me. Thanks Jason, just lovely!
