Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Wings of the snow
Raked by the trees
Falls underneath
Heavens of green


  1. That is a memory-hold-the-door photo. It could have been taken where I grew up.
    Thank you.

  2. I do love these little poems of yours with the beautiful photos.
    I see I have some reading to catch up on - you've been busy while I was away!

  3. Short, sweet and to the point. Just lovely. :-)


  4. I have really missed the snow this year. We haven't had any this January, though we had a few good snowstorms in December. Beautiful photo and very lovely poem.

  5. Just to tell you I just finished reading your 'Caroline' series - excellent!!!
    You build tension really well, but I love that it's sad/happy and not freaky/scary.

  6. Very nice, Jason. You match the tone of phrases with the right scenes very well. =D

  7. there's a collection here jason. Somewhere. Some common thread between the photos and those gravestones and some prose.

  8. Bernita, I'm glad to have given you a pleasant moment today!

    Sarah, that's exactly what the poem was about--the way the trees are so thick that no matter what the weather above, beneath the canopy is a secret and still world. :)

    Terri, thank you! It's great to have you back. Yeah, I guess I have been busy. :)

    Tanya, sometimes a short little moment hits the spot when blog-hopping!

    Melissa, yes, it's been a crazy winter in the northeast also. This picture was taken on 12/31 on the border between NY and PA. Lots of snow falls up there because of the Great Lakes.

    Terri, very glad you liked "Caroline!" That's my favorite short story so far.

  9. Kelly, thanks! I do try to harmonize.

    M.G., oh no. Why did you say that? That's just the sort of intellectual/logic challenge that I love to do (er, become obsessed with). Dang. I'd better cancel the next two weeks.

  10. Nice. Reminds me of looking out the window of a cabin during our annual week in the snow.

    Yeah, I'm waiting to buy this book of yours, Jason... when you getting it published?

    It could be - "Through the Eyes of Jason Evans"

  11. This makes me miss snow so much. That's it...I'm moving to Chicago!

  12. Dana, "Through the Eyes of Jason Evans...." I like it!

    Jeff, thanks!

    Kara, maybe start with a vacation in the snow. We don't want to do anything rash now. ;)

  13. Jason you are the only person I know that can put a picture and make me snow. Very nic picture and words to go with it.

  14. This would have made a beautiful Christmas card. The words are far from the typical trite greeting cards.

    I'm not sure if you used the word 'wings' to refer to snow as tiny birds flying down from the sky to rest in the branches of the trees (another heaven), but I like it.

  15. Robin, =)

    BeadinggalinMS, I feel strong connections to places, and I try to capture some of that feeling in pictures (and writing). A picture will only make this blog if I feel that presence coming through. Glad you felt it!!

    Mermaid, I thought Christmas card also! I have a weird rule about revealing exactly what I meant when I wrote something. Because each reader has their own unique experience and impressions from words, I think hearing what the writer intended can diminish that personal experience.

    Lisa, ah yes, 1993. I was in law school at the time. That one really decked us. Three feet in Philadelphia. Businesses couldn't clear snow without a front end loader. Regular plows were useless.

  16. Jason your pictures are beautiful! I am glad you understood my comment now that I reread it. :) I have been fighting a migraine. My words run together or I forget something when my head hurts like that.

  17. Lovely...can I move here? (I look out my window and see drug dealers.)

  18. BeadinggalinMS, ooh. Sorry to hear about the migraine. I saw your post on your blog also. Hope you've been able to beat it back.

    Jess, moving there would be a bit of a change. =D That area gets a good number of kids from NYC for camps. I believe the winter population of the county is around 50,000, which grows to 250,000 in the summer.

    R.J., thanks!
