Monday, January 16, 2006


While dawn's fire lay frozen beneath the land, twilight crept down from the air. I watched night retreat into the trees where it could be strong. But as the light grew, night's power drained, and it sank back into the Earth where it was born.


  1. jason, another breathtaking photo.

    and beautiful text to match.

    thank you --

  2. As I watch the sun sink behind the trees tonight I am going to remember these beautiful words you wrote.

    ok third try with word verification-szuprvr this one reminds me of super!! so hopefully I can get it right :)

  3. Gorgeous photo ... just lovely (the picture and prose!)

  4. Would some publisher PLEASE offer Jason a deal to publish his wonderful photographs and prose? You just transport me through time and space in such a magical way. Another wonderful photo.

  5. Anne, thank you very much! Always glad to see you here. Hopefully I can offer a small break from the unpleasantness in life.

    Sarah, I'm fascinated by transitions. Day to night and night to day. I'm especially watchful during those times.

    BeadinggalinMS, sometimes word verification rejects me when I'm sure I got it right! Those things are tricksy. (We hates them, precious!) Thinking of something I've done during your normal day is the greatest compliment you can give me!

    Jess, when I stumble on one of the those moments, I just have to hit the brakes (literally) and capture it. Thanks for the kind words!

    Sandra, okay, I'm blushing on that one! Please know that your words mean a great deal to me.

  6. jason- I really like this photo and text. Very well done. :)

  7. Dana, I'm thrilled to see you coming back!

    Jeff, thanks for being such a faithful reader. :)

  8. Poetic, yet accurate. I like that.

  9. Beautiful, Jason, both the words and the photo. =D

  10. I like the image of night hiding behind the strength of trees. Even the trees can't shield night from the sun. Amazing picture to go with your words.

  11. Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! Now you've made me want to visit the other end of this state. Very nice, Jason.

  12. Jason, I come back all the time! You've got the most gorgeous pics!

  13. Kyknoord, great to see some of my South African friends here.

    Kelly, thanks! :) If I do a story for your fiction site, can I include a picture??

    Mermaid, always the poet. I love to see your perspective on my posts.

    M.G., I like to let the pictures inspire stories and scenes.

    Joanne, you're welcome anytime! ;)

    Dana, I have a few more amazing winter pictures from my 12/31 session. Stay tuned.

  14. Jason, I was thinking, you ever gonna put together all your pictures with the captions and find an agent to publish it in a big book? It'd buy it.

  15. Dana,

    Anne and Sandra have said the same thing. I'm really very flattered! I just don't know if there's much of a market for that sort of thing. I will say that it's been an amazing surprise how much people have enjoyed the picture/captions and picture/poems. I would've never guessed.

    Maybe I'll browse a bookstore or two to see if anything similar is out there. If so, I'll check out the publisher. Thanks for the encouragement!

  16. Jason - They're called coffee table books, or big travel books with pictures. But yours is different with those nice captions to go with them.

    I collect them, or give them away as gifts. There's a market for it, definitely.

  17. That blue! Beautifully atmospheric.

  18. Thanks, Jane! Twilight often feels like a secret meant only for me. Leaves me wanting to share.

  19. Gee, I don't visit for a few days and I almost missed this.
    Beautiful..words And pic.

    What a lovely use of the English language!
    Thanks for sharing !

  20. Wow, the picture is beautiful, and so are your words! You should post more poetry... I'm so exicited to have found this one.


    p.s. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
