Monday, March 27, 2006

10,000th Visitor! We have a winner!!

A milestone! Exactly 222 days from my initial post creating The Clarity of Night, I have welcomed my 10,000th visitor! And the lucky visitor is:


Whoo hoo! It's very fitting, since Kelly has been a long time regular in my quiet little world here.

So, what does Kelly win, you ask? A choice of one of two prizes. Behind Door #1 is an 8 x 10 print of any of my posted digital photography (signature optional). I've posted a few of my favorites below. Behind Door #2 is the invitation for her to determine my next post/series after "Meadow Crossing." She can assign me any topic or genre for a story or may assign a biographical piece. Kelly, just email me your choice!

Most importantly, however, I'd like to offer an extra special thanks to all of you who have visited (and keep visiting). Without you, this blog would be nothing.

The Gallery


  1. Oh my gosh, I won something?!? Thanks so much, Jason, I'm honored and thrilled to be the 10,000 visitor. =D

    And I'd love one of your beautiful images, I'll email you!! And maybe I can help pick a direction for your next piece too. ;D I'm still so surprised--thanks again!!

  2. Congrats, Jason! Well deserved, too. :)
    (and for the record, I am sooo jealous of Kelly right now.)

  3. Really cool pictures

  4. If it weren't for the content, Jason, we commentators wouldn't be faithful.

  5. Bernita's right - it's the content that keeps people coming back.

    Congratulations Kelly!

  6. Congrats Kelly! I agree with the others it is the content that keeps us coming back.

    Your moon picture is hauntingly beautiful!!

  7. congrats jason!! and wow kelly, i don't know what i would choose, so many cool images!

  8. Oh man, I am so jealous of Kelly. Those pictures are wonderful.

  9. Congrats on the milestone! We all look forward to coming here and sharing what you have to offer. I look forward to many more visits.

  10. Huge congrats! What a great excuse to celebrate. I also think you could go into the photography biz.

  11. Kelly, you're very very welcome! I actually watched it happen. It was roughly 12:30 p.m. Eastern time yesterday. Two other regulars fell on either side of you, so it was close! Your visits are always appreciated. =)

    Anne, I plan on having future contests (I'll even announce them next time). This one had to be secret so it happened naturally. Do you like the picture idea for a prize? My other idea was a writing contest with a cash prize.

    Swetha, an odd thing happened last night and this morning. With the blogger problems going on, I somehow got in heavy rotation on the "next blog" function. I literally got about 250 visits in 8 hours. You actually stopped to comment!!! Thank you! I hope to see you back. :)

    Bernita, you are Mecca of content yourself, you know. ;) Thanks!

    Eve, I really do put an effort into the content here. I'm glad it's worth the visit! =D

    BeadinggalinMS, that picture was taken one October night in the forest. I matched a poem "October Moon" with it (real original, I know). You can catch it in my index if it predates you.

    Mysfit, thanks! Photography was an old hobby that I've enjoyed messing around with again. I try to catch those secret moments that might otherwise pass unnoticed.

    Rene, much appreciated! Look for future contests. I will offer this prize again (and hopefully have even better images to choose from).

    Livewire, I remember when you passed 10,000. I'm very glad you're here.

    Eileen, =D When I get into something (like photography), I tend to get a little, um, obsessive. Oh well, at least I've managed to capture some powerful moments.

  12. My sister told me she wanted to show me something and it was these breathtaking pictures, they are very beautiful. What a treat for a first time visitor.

  13. Congrats Kelly, and congrats on the milestone.

    I hope some day I'll be popular like you!

  14. Lori, your sister is one of the faithful! Thanks for the visit. I hope you'll be stopping back. :)

    Mermaid, a good choice! One of the magic pictures you never know whether you'll capture.

    Sandra, I'm sure your site statistics are full steam ahead! ;)

  15. yay kelly!!!

    what amazing photos, jason. i'm so glad you reposted them.

  16. Congrats, Kelly!!! :-)

    Jason, now you make me want to hold a contest. Hmmm....

    Thinking... thinking...

  17. Congratulations, Kelly!!!
    I like seeing all the photos together, Jason. :)

  18. *sighs*

    I never win anything. Never.


  19. Anne, thanks. =) A few of them I rescued from the netherworld of my fried hard drive.

    Tanya, I'll play!!

    Jeff, they really stack up, don't they? That's only a small number of the total.

    Dana, look for more contests. I have faith in you. You'll score on one of them. ;)

  20. Wow! 10,000 visitors! Awesome!

    Congrats, Kelly!

  21. What a great blogging milestone for you, Josh! Congrats!!

  22. Melissa, thanks! I hope I can continue to grow.

    Sarah, it has really been a privilege.

  23. Wow Jason, you should put a calendar together...this photography is amazing.

  24. Jess, that's a cool idea! I never thought of that.

  25. How about bribery, Jason? A few bottles of gin? A couple packets of pills? What'll it take gosh darn it?!
