Saturday, March 18, 2006

The First Draft is Done!!!

A bit of writing news for you. The first draft of my second novel, THE BACKWARDS PATH (90,000 words) is done! The project has been very liberating after reworking my first novel again and again. Also, I've been able to reap the benefits of all the incredible experiences and lessons I've learned blogging. Thanks everyone! You've all played a part in helping me shape this novel.

(Now on to the first rewrite. I'm actually looking forward to it! So much more gratifying than the first draft. You really get to feel the life taking shape on the page.)


  1. Wonderful, Jason!
    And I agree entirely, it's satisfying working on the second draft.

  2. I am sooo excited for you!! :)

  3. Congrat's Jason. Now you can start having fun with it.

  4. Hey, well done! Now do have fun, but keep us posted...! :)

  5. Congratulations, Jason! I'm so envious! Good going!

    Now comes the fun part. :-)


  6. Congrats! Wonderful feeling isn't it? Good luck with edits.

  7. That's great news, Jason! Congratulations! Good luck on the second draft and keep us posted. :)

  8. congrats! Must be a very nice feeling...enjoy it and don't let it ever be spoiled by someone....

  9. Excellent! Congrats to you.
    Reworking...first novel...over and over...AIIIEEEEE!!! I am having the strangest feeling of deja vu. Because that is exactly what I'm doing!

  10. Oh, how sweet. I always type "The End" even though I've been told it isn't necessary. I just like to see the words.

    Good job, Jason. Hope the re-write goes well.

  11. i tried to leave a comment yesterday, but blogger was being nasty again.

    what i tried to say:

    that is wondeful news, jason!
    you have a full-time job, you have this wonderful, amazing blog, and you wrote 90,000 words. i'm in awe. i really am.

  12. Congrats! That is definitely a milestone! Let us know how it is progressing.

  13. WOOO-HOOOOO!!! WTG, Jason! This is a cause for celebration!!!!


  14. Bernita, the perfect therapy!

    BeadinggalinMS, thanks! :) It's definitely nice when you confirm that you've got more than one in you.

    Erik, decorating and painting the house is sure easier than building it. :)

    Anne, I will keep you all posted. Very much looking forward to submissions again.

    Tanya, perhaps this one will land an agent. One step at a time, right?

    Trista, yes, much relief. Getting over our first book is hard (like a first love, isn't it?)

  15. Jeff, I'm hoping this next stage will go faster than last time. ;) I had to have learned something by now, right? *he hopes*

    Antonia, thanks! My skin has thickened over the years. I'm sure I have some more toughening to go, though.

    Cheesemeister, do you feel like your first book has lost its way? I went through that. Not fun. You'll make it happen. Don't worry.

    Rene, such a bitter sweet moment, those final words.

    Anne, bad blogger, bad! Thanks for the compliments. =D My days are filled with jumping between very different things. I guess I do a fair amount of juggling. ;)

    Livewire, I hope to someday be able to sign a copy for you. ;)

    Melissa, thanks!! Party's on!

  16. Wa-hoo. There are few things better than writing "The End" Happy revisions.

  17. Eileen, so true. =D

    Forgottenmachine, thank you very much for the sentiment. Much appreciated. :) And that word verification is definitely out of control. Next blogger is going to make us to distance/rate/time problems: Train A leaves the depot on its 115 mile run at 11:40 traveled at 50 kph. Train B leaves.... Type the time the two will meet in order to post your comment.

  18. That would be the worst word verification ever! I was just thinking today that they will probably switch to alpha-numeric soon. And a signed copy would be delightful! =)

  19. Yay, Jason!! I know it's a thrilling experience to get the first draft done. Good luck with the revisions!

  20. Jason, here's to a dream realized, and an artist breathing in the air of his accomplishments deeply and sweetly.

  21. Livewire, =D

    Kelly, thanks! I can't wait to get new eyes on it. A fresh, never before seen cool! Much better than getting the fifth repeat critique on something you've beaten to a pulp.

    Mermaid, thank you for the inspirational words. :)
