Friday, March 31, 2006

Flash Flurry Contest

Kelly Parra's fiction blog, Fictional Musings is hosting a flash fiction contest! You have until midnight (PST) Friday, March 31st to submit a piece no longer than 80 words exploring the concept of "doorway."

Anything goes. I encourage everyone to join in.

Here is a link to my submission: "Inside" by Jason Evans

Remember, the theme is "doorway." Thanks for the contest, Kelly!!


  1. I belonged to an online writing community once where we would do flash 'n chat night. We'd all log on at the appropriate hour, see what the topic was, and then come up with a flash fiction story in one hour. Then we'd post and critique, then do a chat afterwards. I've had some great ideas come out of those stories.

  2. Read yours and liked it. I doubt I would have the time to do it - plus I'm having a hard time corralling my own stable of characters tonight, but it looks like fun.

  3. I liked the twist too...!

  4. Doorway?

    That's different! But I'm no good at flash and having read Jason's, I'd just embarrass myself!

    Incidentally, on a regular basis flash fiction is posted on Tribe's Flashing in the Gutters by all kinds of writers - it's amazing.

  5. Melissa, flash fiction is so powerful. It's like push-ups for the writing mind. You cook up strong scene snippets which can be used in a bigger work, or grow into a novel themselves. I had no idea how great it was until I tried it!

    Eve, understandable. I burned time I should've used for my rewrite. ;)

    Anne, thanks! I tried to come up with something twisted and unexpected (totally uncharacteristic for me, of course).

    Bernita, much appreciated, mom. :)

    Sandra, I seriously doubt you'd embarrass yourself. Tribe's blog is great! I have two flashes there myself. If you haven't seen "Secret Oceans," take a look. I'm proud of that one. I think I packed a lot into the 69-word limit.

  6. Jason, your enthusiasm moved me to give it a try.
    Should the winner be selected Idol-style, you've got my vote!

  7. Robin, thank you! I enjoyed your entry and left a comment over there. I'm looking forward to seeing you back (and more fiction pieces from you)!

  8. Jason, thanks for mentioning the contest! There have been so many great entries, it's made my job REALLY tough. But I'm so glad people have enjoyed participating. =D

  9. Kelly, you got a great response. I don't envy you having to choose a winner!
