Thursday, April 27, 2006

Entry #29

"Two Lights"
by Chong Yen Long

I ACCIDENTALLY walked into the wrong room in the budget hotel named Nilai (in Malay it means "Value") as I was tired from a four-hour outing, consisting of exploring the nearby Mantin town and savouring its gastronomic delights. The last course of "fishhead curry" shared with two long-lost friends as I had just returned from abroad after a long absence, must have induced my wandering into Room 007 (when my registered was 008).

I saw the two lights on the reading table -- dim as if not to disturb the rest, perhaps, of a dainty maiden? It's an hour past midnight -- only the sound of soft running water exited from an adjoining bathroom, due to a tap not completely closed by a tired soul, I surmised.

Above the table was a portrait, and what seemed a ray of light emitting from a smile, flirting on the face of yet another beauty? My head had lately been obsessed with beauties from unknown landscapes -- they visited me in my dreams, and even at daytime reverie during tea-breaks.

Or the two beauties could be related -- even twin sisters? My writer's imaginings becoming richer by the second-- maybe it's the rice wine, or the fishhead, especially its brains said to contain aphrodisiac and sublimal values.

Two lights, dim and shy, hiding some secrets. Perhaps One of apparitional delight. And the Other, I'll find out, tomorrow, should I have the pleasure of meeting the living delight.


  1. Aww.
    Room 007 set me up for a Bond moment.

  2. Unique interpretation of the two lights. :)

  3. bernita:

    Pow, wow -- art thee a MoneyPenny fan too? If thy answer is YES, Bond will ...thanks for Room Service peep!


    Thanks, was Inspired by local drink we call tehtarik "pulled tea"; come o'er to MANtin, I'll treat you and bernitA by the barrelfool:)

  4. erik:

    spooky -- that was the intent.
    wait till we get under the blanket on a cold - or hot - Night, such D-Light.

  5. I didn't feel spooked, I felt tipsy! And a bit devilish. If he doesn't meet his living delight, this guy will wonder about the mix up for weeks to come. lol Good plot, wondering about the significance of the room number, dripping water, etc. Confuses the story a bit for me (but maybe more my reading than your writing). Some sentences are a bit gangly, but over all a creative piece. Lyndon

  6. hi lyn:
    thanks for taking the time to fedback, which lends to my learning the carft. Appreciated.

    I guess my effort represents a steak just rarely done -- need to make it at least medium, but in my own case, it goes all the way to welldone -- hence it's not yet ready for full serving. Thanks again for generous comments!
    I enjoyed your piece too!:)

  7. Chong, I like the feel of the weary traveler. A little drunk with his mind wandering.
