Thursday, April 27, 2006

Entry #40

"The Attraction"
by Sanjaya Mishra

I could see her ambling across to the wall with the candles in hand. As the matchstick flashed and candles flickered one after another, I could feel the stream of overpowering urge running through my body. Isn’t it the time I have been waiting for it?

Leaving my cool, cozy and secure abode amidst the decks of books, I proceeded with gingerly footwork over the pen-stand, across the shelf, past the ticking table-clock and looked up. By now, to my eyes, the two candles had become a single source of light, and beyond that I could see the painting hanging on the wall and I knew for sure, behind it hidden somewhere lay my nemesis.

But should I stop? Can I withdraw...?

I fluttered my wings and they responded with amazing intensity. Powered by the uncontrolled ecstasy brewing up inside me, I dashed off. Picking up speed, I buzzed around the lighted candles - my only source of exultation. I hit the painting and fell on the table.

The damaged wings again picked me up.

Beneath the painting, I could see the protruding head with the flashing eyes and the darting pink tongue. It didn’t matter to me now. I had already accomplished my desire – my seventh heaven.

Suddenly I got stuck and the wings got sucked in.

But unmindful and detached of the impending death, I still kept on looking at the candles, - a sense of contentment in my eyes and the rest of my still undecomposed body.

[Sanjaya Mishra works as a geologist in India and is engaged in finding out source of drinking water in remote villages. Apart from geological works, the author likes to write mostly fiction in the form of short stories. His works have been published in local papers and some one line in the sites like]


  1. Very creative. Good take - original story. Could tighten up the verbiage a bit, but well done. Enjoyed trying to figure out what was happening and then, bam, you hit me with, "I fluttered my wings." Way to keep the story unfolding :-) Lyndon

  2. Sanjaya, putting us in the experience of a moth--very clever! I liked the idea of contentment watching the flame, even as death closes.

    Good marks for storytelling.
