Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Night Watchers

She slips through the night,
A dream world of grey,
Listening to secrets,
We deny in the day.


  1. I love how the tree branch in the foreground looks skeletal.

  2. Jason, very creepy yet cool at the same time! =D

  3. The real question is, what was she doing out at this hour?

  4. So now we know what a deer caught in headlights really looks like, thanks Jason!
    Seriously - great photo, and lovely words to go with it.

  5. Listening to secrets,
    We deny in the day

    That's such a great way of putting it, because when we go camping, I have a fear of the animals at night, not because they could hurt me, but because I am intimidated by them knowing more about the environment than I do.

  6. This could be interpretted as having a supernatural twist, with that creepy photo of the deer.

    Loved your interview by the way!

    And, the story is up.

  7. Jason, great picture and lovely poem. I think that one of my favorite things about you is the way you pay hommage to all of the spirits that don't typically get consideration.

    P.S. I loved your interview. It was wonderful learning more about you and what goes on in your mind!

  8. She is slipping thru the woods to see the big buck over by the creek. That is her secret she does not want us to see.

    Seriously that is a cool photo Jason.

  9. Wow, Blair Witch Deer! :)

    Is that a picture taken in your yard? Very cool.

  10. Jackt, non-peak hours.... Important information. Duly noted. ;)

    Eileen, I hadn't noticed that! You're right. Like a finger bent over. Eerie!

    Kelly, thanks. Creepy and cool at the same time--that's my motto. ;)

    Anne, up to no good, I'm sure.

    Terri, thanks! I love the way the eyes light up with the infrared light.

    Flood, that's a great observation. We really are outmatched in the forest. Only by hunkering down and waiting for something to pass by do we get an edge.

    Bhaswati, =)

    Scott, I like the ambivalence of the thought. You're right, it could go either way. ** Thanks for the compliment about the interview. I look forward to seeing yours (and running over to read your story)!

  11. Cate, such a nice thing to say! Yes, I suppose I do look for the seldom-noticed angles. I see little messages in overlooked places and everyday life events.

    BeadinggalnMS, I think you've got it figured out. Oh wait. That's not until fall. She probably gave birth not too long ago. She probably doesn't want to even think about a buck right now. :)

    Jess, thanks! The picture was taken at our little home away from home in the mountains. I cleared about 1/4 acre of forest to plant forage for the animals. This picture was taken by an infrared/color automated camera. I'll be sharing more as I get them. Hopefully, we'll get a peek at a bear or a coyote or something else cool.

  12. jason, i love the photo and the poem. lovely.

  13. Jason true I just caught the date on the picture. It is springtime even though it feels like summer. LOL
    They are always by the pond, in the driveway and down at the river but I have not caught one yet on camera.
    Be real cool if you caught a coyote or a bear.

  14. Simple rhyme, and yet, the day is so complicated to stop and listen.

  15. Anne, you just can't beat the ethereal quality of infrared light. I've seen this trail camera illuminate. It looks like a bright ring of red dots. That's what attacted the deer's attention.

    BeadinggalinMS, it's pretty sad, but I actually think about the asthetics of the shot when placing the trail camera now. I'm hopeless....

    Mermaid, I find that the simple rhymes slip into the consciousness more smoothly sometimes.

  16. I remember one time I was driving to an early high school play practice at 6 a.m. We lived out on a farm and were ten miles from town, so I was driving along a rather deserted highway. A deer jumped out at me and I slammed on the brakes. We stared at each other for a second before she bounded off.

  17. This reminds me of the times we used to "shine" deer down in Georgia. And no, we didn't shoot them. :)
    Nice picture and poem to match, Jason.

  18. Dana, plunging alone into the night forest takes real intestinal fortitude!

    Melissa, that was lucky! It could've easily turned out worse. Knock on wood, but I've never hit a deer despite driving in a completely deer-infested state.

    Jeff, I knew you weren't no poacher! ;) Spotlighting deer IS kinda fun. I've only done it twice, though.

  19. It looks like she is staring right at you.
    great photo - great poem.

  20. September, so much wariness, even when they're blanketed by the night.
