Sunday, June 25, 2006

Entry #25

Entry #25
"When the Lights Go Out"
by R.R.Rapoza

In 5 seconds 450,000 volts of electricity travels unseen like the wind thru the trees across numerous power lines lighting up countless cities around the world. Barry Levine knew this all too well from years of working for the Citrus grove electric company to ‘keep the lights on’ as they say in the biz. How many nights had he braved the elements while Mother Nature threw tree limbs and debris at him aided by 40-80 mile an hour winds in order to ‘keep the lights on’?

His loving wife always told him his job would be the death of him. He set out every night for 17 years to prove her wrong and until now had succeeded. She had also accused him on numerous occasions of putting his job before his family which irked him to no end. Sitting here now, just before midnight he knew she was right on both accounts.

The lights had gone out for him at 4 minutes till midnight when the guard pulled the mask down over his face. How much time was left? Two minutes or mere seconds he did not know. He felt a bead of sweat trickle down his left temple just as officer Ulrich finished checking to make sure he was strapped in tight. At this moment, most people would be thinking about their
family, heaven, or hell. All he could think was

450,000 volts………

5 seconds………….

and God I HATE when she is right!


  1. "...and God I HATE when she is right!"

    Yeah, me too.

    Nice ending.

  2. Hey, man, GOOD story!! Great twist! Nice POV. Keep this kind of stuff up and you'll get published for sure!

  3. Cool concept. Sitting in the chair, thinking over his mistakes. Good stuff.

  4. Great twist. And good writing. Enjoyed reading this.

  5. Agreed -- women are always right. That's why I became a leftist!

  6. I love the way that this whole piece is sort of "counting down."

  7. Wow, that gave me goosebumps!! Excellent story.

  8. thanks for all the nice comments all. Even more so thank you for all the awesome stories which have led me to countless blogs, links,all over the place. THIS could get addicting in a hurry!


  9. R.R., very effective twist! The description of him in the chair is very skilled. You keep the reader guessing. The reveal is very satisfying when the truth becomes clear! High marks for pacing, entertainment, and storytelling.
