Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Entry #100

Benedictio in Operto
by Manasi Diwakar

“Part Passion, Part symbol” Jane interpreted.

“How do you mean it?” Mia wanted to know.

“That hand it symbolizes brand, his brand.”

“Could be. I bet it’s one of his many moods, this one’s incandescent obsession.”

“..And his colossal control over himself. You can’t see it unless he wants you to”

“…And you have seen it all?” Mia smiled.

“Aye, he’s good” Jane snorted.
The kid on her hip became fussy “Mamma, I can draw this. But I got small hands. I make a small one, in pink and white. ”

At a distance, Shane rolled his tongue over his teeth recalling that kiss gone wild. Her creamy skin wrapped around him & her feline bites nipping at his restrain, which had left him gasping for completion. With the final stroke he had stamped accidently on the wet watercolor, to hold them both from falling. He winced inwardly at exiguity of his control when it came to Mia, his bully pulpit.

He’d like to believe his work was good and adulterating it with pleasure once in a while was turning out to be a bonus. He mused at the dexterous perceptions his Elemental was receiving, he loved his admirers for that. Cerebration can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it and his profession allowed him some.

He loved kids, innocent-playful types. But the smart-pesky ones, he loved them more! Twirling his sour grapes, squaring his shoulders he dived into the crowd.


  1. I like how the hand was stamped on the painting accidentally. Good piece!

  2. You're one chupi rustam, huh junior? ;-) This one was too good.

  3. So the artist is there listening, huh? :)

  4. I too like that the hand was stamped accidentally...while holding them both from falling. Excellent use of the prompt. Nicely done, I like it.

    Dottie :)

  5. @Damayanti Thank you so much...:)

    @Sri(phatichar) :D Thanks senior...

    @Aimee oh yeah...eavesdropping some...

    @Dottie Thank you very much for your kind words:)

  6. what a solid take on the prompt, superb.

  7. i was also thinking to weave a story like this hand being accidently stamped but later on i picked someother theme.Must say you have done a brilliant work:)

  8. oops! I missed a contest!

    I love this one! Very Smart!

  9. @Kunjal Thank you,glad you did not go with this one..:)
    You have a very imaginative mind :)

    @Mona Sorry to hear that you missed it :(
    I just made it in time...Thank you for those kind words :)

  10. 'Twirling his sour grapes'

    Now THAT would be worth watching!...;-)

  11. Fascinating take. You do a great job of putting us in the mind of a character some might find distasteful...and yet he's compelling. Nice work.

  12. An accidental signature handprint - intriguing idea. That the admirers saw this handprint in several pieces makes me wonder how often this "accident" happened. :) Nicely done! ~Jana A

  13. Many blessings on your work.

  14. An artist or a cad? I like Shane!! He's one complex man!!! Take care

  15. Hmm . . . Interesting piece. You brought it alive with dialogue.

    Thank you for sharing!

  16. On several occasions, I have accidentally come across people discussing my work as they read a newspaper or magazine... It's always amusing. I can see the attraction!

    I enjoyed this entry a great deal.

  17. Oooooh, you get extra points for using vocabulary I didn't know! I liked that best about this piece, the erudite fluidity, so elegant.

  18. @Precie Thank you :)

    @Jana(bluesugarpoet) I have always wondered about that & trust me have heard some...I like the way some minds work ;)

    @Rachel That was such a lovely thing to give...I am speechless...:)

  19. @Old Kitty That's what I'd like to think...Thank you :)

    @Mikki Thank you for making time to read it :)

    @Richard That sound's amusing...Thank you :)

  20. @Aerin Oh my, I am so glad about those extra points and I'll keep it in mind next time around I write some...I am all for such lovely moments CON (n Jason of course) provides me!

    Thank you so much :)

  21. An intriguing character study. I'm ready to see the character launch into an adventure!
