Sunday, July 17, 2011

Entry #47

by Four Dinners

So…the Egyptians had it right all along.

The Mayans knew it would end. Their calendar stopped.

Bruce Willis, or was it Kevin Spacey? …oh yeah…that’s him…Spacey…he made a movie about it. The Chinese built some Arks and rescued some Giraffes. If I remember correctly Britain’s Queen and her Corgi dogs went on one of the Arks. Still, it was just a movie.

I suppose I shouldn’t have expected it to be like the movies really. Even if I was a Corgi….which I’m not. I’m human. Well I always liked to think so anyway…

Not that it matters now. I could be a Lemur or an Elephant for the difference it makes.

I wonder whether being a cat would help?

It might you know.

Now we know the Egyptians had it right.

Now we know their Cat Queen…their Cat Goddess…. was making the call.

In the sky is a Cat’s Eye with flaming wings. I’ve never seen anything like it…and I suppose I never will again…

If only I’d known I could have made a fortune with Spacey in the starring role.

Would ‘MEOW’ help me now?

Just asking Bastet…just asking …..

Apparently not….

I think it all ends now……


  1. Bastet is my personal diety. I love this one, but then how could I not. And so it ends...

  2. This made me chuckle: Would ‘MEOW’ help me now?

    Don't think being a corgi would help, though.

    Thanks for sharing. =)

  3. You made me smile.

  4. All three people who have commented have Cat's in their name. I smell love for Cats. We'll a certain irritating lady friend of mine calls me AnyCat so you can include me in the party too. :)

    How are you doin' ol' pal. Haven't seen you in a while, but then, I was the one who shyed away from blogging. If one thing your entries are really good at, is that they always stand out. And in most cases, the reader leaves with a smile.

    Good to "read" you again, mate.

  5. Would ‘MEOW’ help me now?
    My favorite line for sure. :)

  6. As my cats could tell you, cats already rule the world! And judging by how they behave, when the cat god takes over, we've all had it!

  7. I love cats...Meow for sure, lol.

    Nicely done!

    Dottie :)

  8. Corgis are smart, but still no match for the cat! :) Creative take on the prompt! ~Jana

  9. A cat's eye with flaming wings. Of course! I didn't see that until I read this, which I read easily and had fun doing so. Thank you!

  10. I'm no writer - compared to most here - but if I made someone smile then I'm happy.

    There aren't enough smiles in the world anymore.

    I feel quite proud to have made someone smile.

    Thank you very much!


  11. Four Dinners!!! The Centre of the Universe may just look kindly upon your poor mc... but then again there were warnings of things foretold and did anyone listen!?!?!

    Awwwwwww I LOVED this story - I still got a big grin from reading it!! And that's a good thing, trust me!! Wonderful! take care

  12. This is a fun read, great take on the prompt.

  13. Definitely a big smile here, FD. But really, I mean, it's totally unbelievable. A CAT? No cat I ever knew could be bothered to end the world. WAY too much work. More likely it'd be constant meowing until you provided kibble. At least, that's my experience.

    Thanks for the lightheartedness amid a sea of dark doom and gloom stories! :-)

  14. This was great fun to read! Thanks for sharing.

  15. And cats take it all.

    This one made me smile.

  16. Hilarious! I laughed a couple times.

    Thank you for sharing!

  17. Great voice in your narrator and I like the Corgi/cats interplaying within the story. Aren't Corgi's a little like overgrown cats? (Oops, now I'll never get allowed on the ark.)

  18. Brilliant... and left field enough to stand out in the crowd. Did Queenie go off in the "B" Ark I wonder?


  19. I knew there was a reason I'm more of a dog person. Lovely imaginative take on the prompt Four Dinners. I enjoyed reading this very much.

  20. I found this very clever and engaging. And through the humor, disturbing. Well written!

    Congrats on Forties Club!
