Monday, July 18, 2011

Entry #67

by Christopher Mitchell

It is finished.

The form lay under the sheet and I was responsible. Resurrecting life already gone. And it had all been done it all under the watching eyes. That was what was so delicious. All the activity took place with the blacked out vans and cameras posted, keeping vigilance over the captive flock.

My sympathy for the cause came after seeing the torture chambers and crematory. I knew where most of the disappeared had ended up. Of course, the money helped as well. It began with an escape plot. But It had become so much more. It was a risky, cutting edge project unlike any the world had seen. But nothing ever was gained without pushing taboos. This storage shed worked well. It blended in with the woods and was never noticed from the road. The authorities were going to be given their due.

The smell of chemicals hung heavy in the air. With a rumble the glowing hand rises from the lava. The cobalt shirt radiates across the room and his flashing beard sparkles. The ashes fall from him in his magnificence. Lion roars issue from his throat. It is time for the final test. Pressing the start button, I step back slightly. The head rises towards the blood moon as the words scream out:

“Billy Mays here for the Purgatory Cafe!”


  1. “Billy Mays here for the Purgatory Cafe!”

    OMG! I can hear that voice in my head! LOL

  2. Billy Mays here for the Purgatory Cafe—like hell.

  3. Poor Billy Mays.... resurrected and then put back to freaking purgatory... lol

    Dottie :)

  4. I didn't know who to have sympathy with here, except maybe for the authorities! Clearly the resurrected one has done unspeakable things but then so is the narrator doing. An interesting take on the prompt.

  5. Glad to see Billy is still gainfully employed! Nice touch at the end. ;) ~Jana

  6. That's one cause for this taboo to be pushed! Loved the last line! take care

  7. Hi Christopher,

    The intrigue dragged me along. Nice touch with the change of tenses in the last paragraph, offering immediacy for the climax.

    I also like the simplicity of the title because it's guaranteed that it ain't any old shed. :-)


  8. Christopher...

    Intriguing story, with some nice phrasing. Based on other comments, I guess Billy's familiar to some of the old CoN hands. :-)

  9. Brilliant use of description, and wonderful punch line. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Oh, god, I can't believe I am laughing till I have to, ummmm, well anyway --- well done!

    Really my first thought was some funky religious culty thing --- but Billy Mays!!

    Laughing, laughing laughing...


  11. I really liked the animation moment. That is where the drama took hold.
