Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Entry #84

Troubled Mind
by Michael J. Solender

After two days of trying, Alicia was finally able to open her eyes. Swollen shut from earlier trauma, her first view since the “accident” was streaked scarlet like a Caribbean sunset. The tropics were far from her mind though as she strained to make out the familiar shape that beckoned her closer. She tried to rise from the bed that was her prison to follow its call, but was stopped by the nurse.

“There now Miss,” the nurse was perfunctory, yet detached, feigning a pleasing tone she employed dozens of times per day, “Just rest now.”

The nurse tightened the restraints on her troubled charge. Alicia was too medicated to realize she was bound to the bed, unable to do anything other than sleep. At least it resembled sleep. Those with the keys to the locked ward where she resided knew however that the medically induced stupor only temporarily hid the self inflicted horrors awaiting Alicia.

Gently stroking her check, the warm hand gently awakened Alicia. She saw it clearly now, but could not make out its owner, the red haze persisted. She saw only a detached arm caressing her, petting her, mothering her. Succor hers for a moment, she drifted back to sleep.

The residents were puzzled as they peered over Alicia with their charts. Sound asleep, they spoke freely.

“Why would she cut off her own arm?” The first year resident asked no one in particular.

In unison, the rest simply shook their heads.


  1. So tragic. I just wish I knew more about what caused the tragedy. I'm not sure whether to be happy she's alive, under the circumstances.

  2. Very well told story, Michael.

    The reveal at the end brings a whole new layer of depth to the tale, and makes us feel the tragedy.

  3. Tragic... and creepy. You have a way with twisting, then twisting the twist.

    Nice to see a friend participating here.

  4. Eww...creepy. So did not see that ending coming. I was thinking horrific accident, not self mutilation. Twisted.

    Dottie :)

  5. oh, what a twist - i thought she was captured by some evil cult or something...
    well told, right from Alicia's perspective.

  6. Takes all sorts, eh, Mikey? Warped with a twist - just how I like 'em!

  7. Nicely told Michael. You captured her medicated haze well. At least she cannot cut off her other arm, I suppose.

  8. Everybody has a story, and everyone wants to know Alicia's. Loved the way you unfolded this from the feigned gentleness of the nurse to the horror of the situation.

  9. Loved the surprise ending - didn't see that one coming! :) I love your interpretation of the photo as a drug induced haze. Nicely done! ~Jana A

  10. Poor Alicia. I want to know of her and why she did what she did - and what she did came as a shock at the end! Great story, thank you! Take care

  11. Very compelling.....and creepy. Was her dream her own arm and hand offering her succor? Eewwwww, but very cool.

    Michael you have a strange and lovely mind.

  12. Interesting take, excellent twist. Thank you for sharing!

  13. A nightmare indeed. Nice suspense to a finish that explains perhaps more than we would ever want to know!

  14. This is a well told tragic tale. Your surprise ending was a real shocker.

  15. The fog of the deeply troubled. You portrayed that very effectively. I especially like the pacing.
