Tuesday, November 01, 2011

You Could

you could spill your coffee
you could open a door
you could paint a house
inappropriately bright colors
you could slap a stranger
or sing for no reason
you could drive nails
through the meat between your fingers
you could drive a car
entirely too fast
or creep entirely
too slow
you could use a bed
for everything but sleep
you could remember
you could keep walking
or you could suddenly forget
everything you know


  1. brilliant- and so poignant. the timing on things i'm coming across today out there in cyberspace seem to be very, very eerily timed...freaking me out but in a grateful way.

    thank you this- it's now a touchstone piece in a very important mental puzzle i'm trying to build today.

    i think i need to forget everything i "know".

    i am so glad you posted this, I just have to leave you a virtual hug.

    So, *hug*.


  2. you could, rabbit;
    you could. . .

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. it makes one feel dizzy... strange...

  4. It's cool!!!!
    Sorry for question, what's the car on the pic?

  5. I could.. I could.. I am inspired :)

  6. Bru, I'm always touched with one of my pieces resonates in a special way. Thanks. :)

    Cloudia, indeed! All of the above.

    Szelsofa, maybe there really isn't ground beneath our feet. Not the way we think there is.

    Usemeplz, always great to see a new face! I'm not sure what kind of car it is. It sits in a field in northeastern Pennsylvania near our cabin. The image somehow seemed to fit with what I was saying here.

    Choco, that much is always true.

    V.R. Leavitt, thanks!

  7. The car is a Chevy Corvair circa 1960 - 69 (not sure which year this one is - and don't ask me how I know this). ;)

  8. Lee, dang, you go girl! I know you told me not to ask you how you know this, but my curiosity is piqued. Did your family have one, maybe? Looks pretty stylish.... ;)

  9. Neighbors - I never thought they were stylish haha!

  10. Lee, you must have been very jealous.... ;)
