My friends, I'm very pleased to announce the opening of The "Two Lights" Short Fiction Contest!
The challenge is simple. Using the photograph above for inspiration, compose a short fiction piece of no more than 250 words. All genres are welcome.
The prizes are:
--1st Place, a $25 Amazon gift certificate + a signed 8x10 print of the "Two Lights" photo or any other photo from [the Gallery]
--2nd Place, a $10 Amazon gift certificate + a signed 8x10 print (see above)
--3rd Place (if I get at least 10 entries), a signed 8x10 print (see above)
I will judge the entries and announce the winners on Friday evening, April 28th.
E-mail your entry to jevanswriter at yahoo dot com no later than 8:00 p.m. (eastern time), Thursday April 27th. If you'd like, you can add either a link to your website/blog or a short bio with your entry.
All entries will be posted here and indexed for easy access. I encourage everyone to read and comment on each other's entries. Beyond just competitions, these contests are wonderful opportunities to discuss writing and learn from each other.
Spread the word! Have fun and good luck!!
UPDATE in response to questions:
1. Titles (optional) do not count toward the 250 words.
2. After the winners are announced, I will add a comment on each entry saying what I liked best about it.
3. Although you consent to having your piece posted here by entering the contest, all rights to your entry remain with you, the author.
Oh la la... the pressure, the pressure!
I can't wait to read everybodys. :)
That sounds like so much fun! Looking forward to reading the entries.
Hi Jason - I can mention your contest with pleasure...
WooHoo! Girl loves a challenge!
I've put up a notice.
While I am not competitive, I'll see what I can do, Jason.
Discussions are the best part.
Oh dear...I wonder if I can come up with something??? I might have to just set my timer and write for an hour and see what happens! Sometimes the best stories come when you don't have a lot of time to think about them. :-)
Anne, you'll do fine!
ForgottenMachine, very cool! I look forward to it!
BeadinggalinMS, it should be a treat. :)
Jess, I hope you dive in too.
Ann Marie, thank you kindly. =)
Terri, yes! Look it straight in the eye!
Bernita, I know anything you do will be a treat. :)
Melissa, it can be so surprising, can't it? Almost like another person is speaking through you.
I'll post a notice on my site, Jason. I'm looking forward to reading the entries. :)
Jeff, thanks for the mention!
Girlgrownup, let me know what you think of Diamond Shoals. ;)
250 words? Is that even possible? I think that immediately disqualifies me.
Okay - contest mentioned. I don't know if I'll participate, but I thought I'd at least promote it.
Miss Jay, there was a 69-word contest sponsored by Joe Konrath. That was painful and wonderful at the same time. Kelly Parra did an 80-word contest on Fictional Musings (link to the right). I thought I was being generous with 250!! :D
Eve, thank you for the mention! (You really want to enter. I know you do.) ;)
I put in a little plug on my little blog. I may enter just for the fun of it (it is a very interesting contest). Looking forward to read all the entries!
~ Sury
Umm...can I play too?
Sury, thank you kindly! I'm grateful to everyone who spreads the word.
Erik, I'm counting on you! :D
what a great site. Glad I wandered by.
Shirley, very happy to see you here! Please stop back again sometime. :)
:) This sounds fun. My brain is already spinning - I guess it is time to start typing!
Thanks, Jeff, for directing me to this site.
I came here via Malaysian writer's (suzanabrams.blogspot.com), and
feel ionspired to submit an entry sent over an hour ago.
It's fun-d and challenging. I too sometimes run similar
CONTESTS at my cyberhome friends call Desi's Place.
Thanks for thy challengiA! Will visit again.
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