Monday, May 01, 2006

Comments on Contest Entries

As of 11:30 p.m. Monday night (5/1/06), I've posted comments on the first 20 entries. In each case, I've identified what I liked best. Some excelled in storytelling and overall reading enjoyment, while others excelled in pacing, technical use of language, and voice. The winners and other leading entries delivered on all points with skill.

Participants should feel free to email me if you would like any constructive comments I might have to offer.

I hope to finish the remainder of the comments tomorrow. Regular Clarity of Night content will continue soon, including my exploration of different fiction genres. Next week, look for a serial short story to begin in the horror/suspense genre called "Flashlight Tag"--a young man is stalked by a bent figure in the forest, but only when his flashlight is turned on.

UPDATE: Comments are now posted up to and including #30.

SECOND UPDATE: Comments are now posted for all entries! If I haven't responded to an email request for constructive comments, I will do so shortly.


  1. hi jason
    I didnt take part (english not my first language), but I just find it amazing what you are doing here, so much activity and that you take care of that everybody gets his comments....
    looking forward to what you figure out next....:)

  2. Suspense! Horror!
    So Kill the Lights was just a tease...? ;)

  3. Hey, that sounds like a great idea! My son and I played Super Mario to the end, and there was a ghost character that only approached when your back was turned. It was pretty creepy.

  4. Antonia, thanks! I really appreciate and respect the time everyone took in participating. I think everyone deserves some feedback.

    Anne, now that you mention it, I suppose it was! :D

    Scott, that's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about! A while back, I heard or read a folktale about a special kind of spirit which always hovers behind you. It turns whenever you turn. Think about that in a dark hallway at night!

  5. Great writing - I wish I had entered my piece, if only to get your take on it.

    If you have a free minute, I'd love to get your feedback on the only piece of short fiction I've written in recent years:

  6. Claire, I stopped by and commented. Very nicely done!
