Thursday, August 31, 2006

Readers' Choice Award Voting is Closed

That's it, friends! Readers' Choice Award voting is now closed. Thank you everyone who voted for their favorites.

The stage is set. The orchestra is warming up. Tune in tomorrow midday for the contest results!!

Have a great night.

--Jason Evans & Anne Frasier


anne said...

Withdrawal symptoms anyone? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, most definitely. :-D

AngelConradie said...

oh yeah- but at least i can still read...

Anonymous said...

This was my first "flash fiction" contest. Really fun. I couldn't wait to read the entries each day!

Thanks, you 100 marvelous writers and two excellent moderators, for making the last week so much fun!

Flood said...

I'm sorry it's over, too. I still can't believe there were 100 entries. I think it's incredible.

Anonymous said...

Is it midday, yet?

Bernita said...

You've timed it perfectly, Jason.
"The Lonely Moon" ends as Miss Snark's Crapometer begins.
Keeps us on an adrenalin high.

Anonymous said...

Anne, Jim, and Angel, *sniff* A little sad, yes, but you're right, we have the stories!

Betina, you're very welcome! I hope to see you back for the next one!

Flood, humbling really. :) Everyone has been wonderful.

Fringes, almost!!

Bernita, that is good timing! I just hope no one is going to need sedatives.

Jaye Wells said...

It's midday somewhere...

Anonymous said...

My cats are so happy...I'm going to have time to feed them now. ;)

..." Hang on Boo and Possum, I'm coming."