The Remembrance Series: When I walk among old graves, I think about the voices struggling to endure. Someday not even stone will protect us from being forgotten.
We can give these voices a little more life in a way they never could have imagined. So please take a moment with me to remember....
memory of
Wife of John E. Roberts
Born June 27, 1803
Died November 28, 1879
Aged 76 years, 5 months & 1 day
Adieu my friends, weep not for me. Though often times my grace you see. But raise your minds to things above. Where all is joy and peace and love.
memory of
Wife of John E. Roberts
Born June 27, 1803
Died November 28, 1879
Aged 76 years, 5 months & 1 day
Adieu my friends, weep not for me. Though often times my grace you see. But raise your minds to things above. Where all is joy and peace and love.
(Note: I did not plan this, but as I finished this post, I saw that Margaret died today. If you are the type of person to find signs in things, this one is hard to ignore.)

Wow, what a coincidence. I hope Margaret likes your little homage. I thought it very respectful. She lived to a good age for a Victorian lady. Incidentally, Margaret Roberts is also the name of a very famous South African gardening celebrity and herb specialist.
signs...pretty spooky is you ask me.
May peace be with her.
I'm never gonna have a tombstone, being a Hindu. If death wasn't sad enough this would be pretty sad too.
By adding a simple 'do not', let me alter your words a bit - see the difference:
***Margaret died today. If you are the type of person to do not find signs in things, this one is hard to ignore.***
Cemeteries are great places.
Sorry - shouldn't post when I'm tired!
Just to say how much I appreciated your prose yesterday; read it through a number of times for the delicacy to sink in. Also today.
I really love this series. And sometimes there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Your spirit is particularly well-tuned today. What will you do?
Very cool.
And there are no coincidences.
I got that someone-walking-over-my-grave feeling when I read she'd died today.
I love the inscription on this one. One last adieu, perhaps.
....I was in two minds about that one line as well; and having slept on it felt that it had grown on me!!!
Discretion is the better part of valour, and all that.
Thankyou for looking in. I shall follow Clarity of Night with interest. Love the blog name.
I never discount serendipity. I really enjoy the remembrance series Jason.
A little rosemary for Margaret...
A nice memorial, Jason. It must have been a strange feeling when you recognized the matching dates.
as long as there are people like you Jason, these people will live on -- I just love this series -- and I really like cemeteries too (tho' I'm in no hurry to live in one)!
"Adieu my friends, weep not for me. Though often times my grace you see. But raise your minds to things above. Where all is joy and peace and love."
We can only hope.
So now you have to come back with a story befitting the spiritual connection.
Electric Orchid Hunter, that's a lot of coincidences for one post! I do hope these remembrance pieces are respectful. That's how they're intended.
Nothingman, is cremation the norm? I can see the comfort of returning to an elemental state.
Szelsofa, yes, we see the differences clearly. I'm intrigued by the "sign." I'd like to believe it's more, but that belief is unnatural to me.
Julie, I'm looking forward to seeing your perspectives too. Welcome to this community!
Church Lady, I've thought about what you said. What came naturally today was to listen. I think I heard some things behind my fatigue lately.
Kaycie, this one really is striking. I only post 3 times per week, so the chance of hitting the same date is even more slim.
Jaye, last night when I realized what was about to happen, I had the same feeling.
Sarah, yes, an adieu. And a promise.
Julie, you're most welcome here.
JLB, a little rosemary...I liked that. Thank you on behalf of Margaret.
Jeff, definitely! Strangely, I seem to recall this happening before.
Bev, cemeteries are such peaceful places. After the furor dies down (no pun intended), it seems like quite a nice neighborhood.
Anti-Wife, I hear you. I'll be happy with simple rest.
Church Lady, sometimes these connections do happen. I try to embrace them when they do. (Perhaps this will spur me to work again on one I haven't written about yet.)
Wow. Quite something. Nice words.
Wayne, welcome! It's great to see new faces.
I like the way they counted years, months and 1 day - to me it shows how important she was for those she left behind.
I really like these posts on forgotten graves, Jason. This is going even beyond the call to do something for humanity.
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