I for one will move the needle as fast as the old machine will take me and when I do stand still, I will simply stand still, and wrap myself in that moment as well.
Preeti, thanks! I thought this post would poke a few brain cells.
Walking Man, enjoying both is good. Holding to one or the other too strongly, probably not.
Four Dinners, I'll meet you at that bar!
Limpidus, these pictures were taken at 70 miles per hour when I was thinking about what matters and what doesn't. Not too bad for a Blackberry phone. I thought they would be just mud.
i had to read the comments to have a clue about what you were referring to - an interesting thought. most spots are just as good as the other. you know, in the 'if you have lemons...' kind of way.
if I could wrap myself in that single spot it would definitely matter :)
I'll take the single spot - and to me, it does matter!
I'll take this spot, too. But after I've rushed to all of those other spots... too exciting to miss!
Tabitha and Karen, yes, it certainly is a pretty spot.
Nevine, pretty amazing. Maybe a nice spot to retire. When I'm too tired to go any farther.
I too like the spot, but for now... I'll enjoy the ride. Step on it...
The Spot. But at certain times...the others too...
it really doesn't matter though...
amazing how a few pictures are triggering so many thoughts...
I for one will move the needle as fast as the old machine will take me and when I do stand still, I will simply stand still, and wrap myself in that moment as well.
Both have an elegant beauty to them.
Life's too short to go ruching around to anywhere.
Gentle stroll to a nice spot - with a bar. All you need is beer...;-)
I'd say, travelling 70 miles per hour and brushing past several spots make it too much to matter. And yet, the plurality of it is threatening.
Aniket, you're gassed up and ready to go!
Preeti, thanks! I thought this post would poke a few brain cells.
Walking Man, enjoying both is good. Holding to one or the other too strongly, probably not.
Four Dinners, I'll meet you at that bar!
Limpidus, these pictures were taken at 70 miles per hour when I was thinking about what matters and what doesn't. Not too bad for a Blackberry phone. I thought they would be just mud.
i had to read the comments to have a clue about what you were referring to - an interesting thought.
most spots are just as good as the other. you know, in the 'if you have lemons...' kind of way.
I like the one spot best... but I tend to do more of the rushing! Darn!
But if I can look at a Monet, I could stay in that spot indefinitely! (Seurat, too.)
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