Friday, March 26, 2010

A Paint Brush on Skin

Dogwood Vista Jason Evans

you were a work of art
soft and undulating
with rich chestnut waves
on smooth prickled sand
lying back and bending
in the dark I hunted you
or knelt to you
beaten or devouring
and you raise finger-twined oceans
or surrender your beating breath
and I cannot think your lines
as hands crumple sheets
and I drink your neck
while the portrait keeps


Aniket Thakkar said...

The petals do look like crumpled sheets don't they? I love the drinking the neck part. More like, I love drinking the neck. :D

Deb Smythe said...

Beautiful. Both the words and the picture.

Bernita said...

Jason, this is a lovely piece.

Karen said...

This is sensuous and lovely, just like your photograph.

Anonymous said...

Aniket, I'm with you on that one. The neck is a magical place.

Deb, thank you! I wanted this picture to look more intense than real.

Bernita, I enjoyed composing it.

Karen, our dogwood tree in the front yard, and I, thank you. :)

Ashley Ashbee said...

Sensuous indeed. "As hands crumple sheets and I drink your neck." Wow! Inspired by a special woman in your life?

Thanks so much for sharing. I want to get into your head right now.

Anonymous said...

LH, yes, definitely inspired by Aine! Thanks for catching the energy in the poem.