I dreamt of Einstein on the winter solstice
chin cradled in hand
his general relativity refused to apply
to all the tiny spots where he could stand
so he confirmed the law of gravity
Sir Isaac Newton tucked him into bed
as the moon spun volumes of theories
and eclipsed to brooding red
Very enjoyable. Good verse with accompanying chuckle is quite unusual.
Have a great Christmas!
Oddly enough over Detroit there was no blood on the moon either before or after or during the disappearing. Just darkness taking bites from the bright light changing it to darkness.
And this, as they were, is genius.
that's lovely, lovely, lovely.
and you are finally showing up in my google reader!
anne frasier
as the moon spun volumes of theories
and eclipsed to brooding red - I can't tell you how much I love this, Jason!
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! May Santa bring you all that your hearts desire.
Dave, unusual is my middle name. ;) Or, at least I try.
Walking Man, that sounds like a metaphor for what is happening in your city.
Oddyoddyo13, thanks! I just chose to hang around good company. :)
Anne, that's weird that Google reader has been so squirrely with my blog. Glad it's finally showing up. And great to see you!
Vesper, thanks deeply, my friend. Be well this season.
Excellent on so many levels!
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