Friday, January 14, 2011

Hors D'Oeuvres for the Brain #1

Time Heals

Time doesn’t heal wounds. It coats them in bad cement and turns them into kitschy lawn ornaments.


Laurel said...

AH! That's what's slowing me down. Too many concrete tchotchkes in my head.

Unknown said...

HA. That's... a creepy monkey-head thing. I like the sentiment :D

Shadow said...

say whaaaaaat

Karen said...

Like, like, like!

the walking man said...

Yeah man that is true. Now I know why the old lady planted me knee deep on the front lawn.

Anonymous said...

Laurel, yep. I think we hit on something.

Steph, I wouldn't want that monkey head showing up in the middle of the night, that's for sure.

Shadow, just a quirky thought.

Karen, :)

Walking Man, ha! We're all a collection of those things after a while.

Erratic Thoughts said...

Ohh...Stark reality!

SzélsőFa said...

hm, yes, sometimes it is true.