Friday, April 08, 2011


to give anything for someone
how rare that is
a warrior
for you


the walking man said...

What good is a warrior if he has none to fight for...he becomes a Ronin.

SzélsőFa said...

and what good is a warrior if the someone he wants to fight for refuses his help... a mad man... :(

Anonymous said...

Walking Man, there's always a good fight available. There's always a reason to strive.

Szelsofa, only a man man (or woman) if he or she fights for someone who doesn't want or deserve a champion. We all have the power to be a champion. Or not.

Nevine Sultan said...

Rare, indeed. And almost unbelievable. Almost...


Vesper said...

Jason, I wish I would have read this on Friday - it was my birthday... I feel as if this is just for me... Maybe there exists a warrior just for me. (Maybe it is me...)

Anonymous said...

Nevine, maybe there's proof.

Vesper, I commend the poem to your hands for your birthday. :) With warm wishes for this new year.

PixieDust said...

Sounds like a mother... or a father... :-)


Vesper said...

You're so sweet, Jason. Thank you! :-)
And my very best wishes to you...

Anonymous said...

PixieDust, that's probably very true. I've always had an odd distrust of parents, though. I'm trying to not evoke that in my own children.

Versper, :)