at the age of six
he chose to drown himself
he swam too far to save
that's when he discovered
he could breathe water
those that knew him would say
lakes were the best
for a murky nap
but ponds were best for play
fish swam too fast to catch
turtles too easy
frogs he could snatch all day
when the water dried up
he wasted not one tear
he moved to the ocean to stay
profoundly sad... but i felt a sense of relief of finally being able to 'breathe' under water... just a sense i got...
I'd love that! breathing water. How cool!
Take the whimsy out of this (which you should never do) and I agree with Shadow 100%. Congratulations.
sorry for not commenting on the last three of your items. i liked the strange and mystic tone to them all. even if you tend to disagree about that particular adjective :)))
wv: login - m'kay, i think that's proof of some serious message going on behind the scenes :D
Makes me wonder what it felt like when he discovered he could breathe water - the decision to live and then move on to the ocean.
I almost closed the page upon reading the first two lines. Glad I didn't.
Shadow, I read it as following his calling.
Tabitha, it might come in handy!
Walking Man, I've done a small handful of these tall tales. For some reason, they really stick in the brain.
Szelsofa, I know we all have pushes and pulls, and we come and go. No worries!
Lee, I feel like he knew what was going to happen.
Precie, yes, it looks dark at the beginning.
It's creates lopsided worlds of blue and shy and anti-septic serenity. Very interesting.
Julietdiadem, I like that view. Pollywog knew where he didn't belong.
Sigh. Epiphanies.
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