Sunday, January 22, 2006

Remember: John Park Moore

We cling to the enduring strength of stone to fight the fear of being forgotten.

So please take a moment to remember:
John Park Moore
Born Aug. 5, 1843.
Died Nov. 3, 1855.

I hear the father's words frozen into stone. I see him standing--his grief far deeper than the hole at his feet. I play a [TRIBUTE] for them both, father and son. May its echoes in your memory bring them peace across so many relentless years.

(Forks of the Brandywine Presbyterian Church, West Brandywine Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Amazing Grace played on the John Walsh Shuttle Pipes)


Jeff said...

So very sad when parents must endure the unending pain and grief from the death of their child. :(

Nice photo and a great tribute on the pipes, jason. :)

Mindy Tarquini said...

You know, Jason, I feel like there's a photographic novel of some sort in all this. Very nice.

Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer said...

11 years old.

"I shall mourn for thee"

I sure he did, all of his reamining life.

Sandra Ruttan said...

Oh, isn't that just like a dagger in the heart? That stone speaks volumes of emotion - more emotion than some living people generate.

Beautiful, in a haunting way.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I agree. The pain still seems fresh after 150 years.

M.G., that's an intriguing idea.

R.J., something about that age struck me strongly. When a child is ceasing to be a child.

Sandra, the repetition of "my son, my son" is so poignant.

Lisa, so much soul was poured into the Victorian stones. Not like the mere markers we have now.

WannabeMe said...

Nothing is worse than losing a child. Nothing.

Shesawriter said...

"...his grief far deeper than the hole at his feet."

That says it all right there.


mermaid said...

Amazing Grace, right? Ahhhh, brings me back to singing in church when I went to private grade schools.

Bernita said...

Old Testament echos..."Absolom, my son, my son, I would have died for thee."

Anonymous said...

Dana, very true.

Tanya, an open grave is such a powerful image.

Mermaid, I'm glad the pipes evoked a happy memory for you. :)

Bernita, thank you for that powerful quote.

Unknown said...

How tragic, but what a beautiful stone!

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Jason, you're a empathetic person. I think because of this it will show in your writing, and you'll reach your goal of being published. =)

Linda said...

Another beautiful stone. very moving, very tragic.

jane said...

I share my birthday with John Park Moore...

Beautiful photo.

mysfit said...

no parent should have to bury their child - nice sentiments jason - but...

is it morbid for me to be curious about how he died?

Anonymous said...

Robin, I agree. The symbolism in this stone is amazing.

Kelly, such a nice thing to say! Thank you!

BeadinggalinMS, thank you for the sentiment.

Jane, now that's an odd coincidence!

Mysfit, I don't think so. I wondered the same thing. Of course, I often think of disease during that time period. Penicillin didn't exist until decades later.