The sun climbs from its season in the south, and the world warms. Soft rains fall on water, no longer sealed behind frozen glass.
Thin grey dreams are lifting.
Listen to the peepers serenade the night. For once, you breathe the darkness rather than run inside to the orange light. Something is out there. Passion on the fog.
The air itself sighs with memories of what's waiting.
Lovely shot.
Please tell spring to hurry already: my memories are fading...
Is that spring-melt-flood debris, Jason?
Wonderful colour.
"breath the darkness" - oh yes.
I think most of us are ready for spring. :)
I love this line:
"Soft rains fall on water, no longer sealed behind frozen glass."
I love this! Beautiful photo, wonderful words.
Anne, it's so close. You'll wake up one day soon and the change will have happened.
Bernita, actually it's a garden pond in my back yard. The slight suggestion of color in the water are fish. The oldest are now 10 years old. Unbelievable. The plant is a lythrum.
Jeff, thanks! Spring is such an inspiring time for me.
Terri, as Jeff said, I think those of us in the north are more than ready for warm again!
Listen to the peepers serenade the night. That is my one of my favorite things about spring. Last night the lightning bugs were out sooo spring is on its way. :)
Lovely way of describing the transition.
"Soft rains fall on water, no longer sealed behind frozen glass."
Just gorgeous imagery, Jason. Well done.
I'm looking forward to spring. We had a touch of winter this morning - a few snowflakes drifting in the wind - but now the sun is out. Still cold, though. :)
Jason, do you submit you photography and accompanying comments to any of the appropriate journals/magazines, etc.?
This is just glorious--you describe the transition to Spring so beautifully.
My favorite lines: "Something is out there. Passion on the fog."
BeadinggalinMS, wow! Lightning bugs already? We don't see them up here until May. How long ago were the peepers peeping? (BTW-new avatar, eh?)
Mermaid, thanks. =)
Melissa, those swings in weather are tough. We're heading back into cold later this week and may see some flurries. Today is downright tropical, however.
Erik, do you think I should? I've always viewed the photography/caption posts as fun little glimpses into my thinking and philosophies. I suppose they might be marketable in some magazines....
Cate, the feeling I'm trying to capture in that line hits me every year. And every year, I'm surprised. My memory just doesn't record how powerful the feeling is.
What great shot, Jason! And those words fit perfectly. =D
Okay, today I hate you.
Because we still have so much snow, and you're making me wistful and anxious for the seasons to change.
Jason they have been peeping here for a while now. I wanted a change and my sister found this pic for me. Oh I just seen a butterfly. A beautiful black and yellow one soo spring has arrived in South MS.
That's a great pic and the poem fits absolutely.
so evocative. loved it.
Kelly, =D
Sandra, that was a record-setting fall from grace! ;)
BeadinggalinMS, enjoy it! We won't be well into spring up here until mid-April.
M.G., =D
Tanya, much appreciated. =)
Anne, thanks. :)
Oh spring, come see me now!
Hi, it's wonderful and you could eat the text too..
Thanks for your visit Jason... I wanted to be a lawyer and became a lit critic and writer...
Ann Marie
I loved this. Great images. FYI I ordered Before I Wake and it's on it's way to me. Be sure to get some kind of kick back from Anne- you handsold your first book. : )
Miss Jay, you've got the Earth's inexorable orbit on your side. It's coming, don't give up hope!
Ann Marie, welcome welcome! I love new commenters! You probably picked the more fulfilling of the careers. I'm not jaded or anything. ;) I will definitely be going back to your blog.
Eileen, first of all, welcome to you too! Did I mention that I LOVE new commenters? I'm probably a literary mutant or something, but I actually enjoy pitching stories. Thanks for "catching" Anne's! You won't be disappointed. Be sure to stop by her blog. It's named "Static," and it's listed in my links.
Spring's coming already?
Beautiful, again, Jason. Great job.
Dana, spring is coming in fits and starts. We're headed for another cold spell here. :(
Yes I think you should. Your photography is very good. Add your captions and it is excellent.
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