Saturday, August 26, 2006

Entry #42

Moon Time
by Marcail

I woke with a start. The wet warmth between my legs had aroused me from a deep slumber. I touched myself and felt the stickiness of the fluid on my fingers. As my eyes adjusted to moon’s evanescent illumination, the dark stain on my hand became increasing visible. The metallic scent confirmed my dawning confirmation. I bolted upright and sprang from the bed. I read my spillage like a Rorschach inkblot. It looked like an elk print. The meaning was obvious. My totem animal is the elk. I am Elk Woman, Nipi-Niina.

I tore the sheet from the mattress and hung it in the window to pay homage to the moon spirit. I dipped in and out of my well. As primal drawings filled my mind, I copied them upon my tapestry. I lost time.

When I reinhabited my body, I gazed upon my lunar vision and smiled. All was revealed. My expectations were surpassed. Manic genius manifested. The success of my first moon mission stunned me senseless. I was now a banner-waving, certifiable lunatic. I will ebb and flow with the tide and be one with the Moon. I am a night shifter.


Joni said...

wow. what an original concept. i'm not sure i grasped it all, but i am impressed with the language, the melody. nicely done.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joni. It's definitely original and the language is inviting. It's like a daydream and nightmare happening all at once.

Anonymous said...

i think it was a great story.... period.
~aunt sesame

Flood said...

Not since the Red Tent have the cycles been so interesting.

Anonymous said...

See, what I like about this is that you kind of go along with everything she is thinking all along.

It's a very novel flash piece (if you know what I mean).

Anonymous said...

Unique. It was ancient and futuristic at the same time. Thought provoking. Good work.

anne frasier said...

aunt sesame -- LOL!

i like this, but i have to admit to some confusion. it's very primal, but i also think there's quite a bit of dry humor here too. forgive me if i'm wrong about that. but...

i mean, this is pretty damn funny:

"The success of my first moon mission stunned me senseless. I was now a banner-waving, certifiable lunatic."

but then again i know of wiccans who go out and smear period blood on trees during a full moon.

Anonymous said...

Lovely feedback. No Wicca. No new age. Definitely a funny boner. All things lunar bubbled to the surface, especially my cycling expeditions.

anne frasier said...

whew! :)

Anonymous said...

Very vivid writing. You touched on a very definite feminine mystique.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous-I am still laughing at your comment.
I agree that this is hilarious.
"All things lunar bubbled to the surface."
Marcail-thank you.
We ALL need the humor.

anna said...

Such tongue in cheek.
such brazen pizzazz.
such originality.
Enjoyed hugely. very well written
I am Swan- found out not from translating the Rorschach messy sheets LOL! but the new fashioned way from a totem book

Anonymous said...

Thank you for awaking my dark side this fine sunny day, and giving me a good laugh. Now, off to do my laundry.

Anonymous said...

Wow, twist this a bit, give it a dark side, and the potential for some very serious horror increases exponentially.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone could have written this. 3 cheers for Marcail. I enjoyed the humor.

Scott said...

I was a bit mystified too. Nicely done and atypical.

Bhaswati said...

This is so attractive because of its unusual tone and subject. Good one!

Anonymous said...

Even though, as a man, I wanted to look away, I fould this oddly mesmerizing. Such a strange manic trance. The scene grips you much too tightly to turn away. High marks overall.