Friday, August 18, 2006

Singing in the Night

My friends, today it has been one year since The Clarity of Night began.

Back then, I could never have predicted the path it would take or the success you would make it.

Sometimes an anniversary is good time to draw the curtains on a blog and move on. But for me, the moon is young, and like my friend the katydid up there, I plan to keep singing in the night.

For as long as you care to listen, I will keep a quiet place for you to take a moment's rest. My deepest gratitude to you all.

--Jason Evans


LiVEwiRe said...

I should thank you; you always give me an interesting, welcoming place to visit. I appreciate your willingness to share what goes on in that head of yours. (Great shot, btw)

anne said...

Is that a painting? Fantastic.
Happy anniversary, Jason, and here's to many more... :)

Michele said...

This has to be the most eloquent Blogversary message I've ever seen!


I wish you many more happily creative posts with beaucoup comments in the coming year.

And I agree, nice pic of the insect. Very green.

Jaye Wells said...

Congratulations, Jason!

Bernita said...

Night singers in shadow time.
Expand the Sight.

Thank you, Jason.

Anonymous said...

It's been a pleasure to find your site, to follow your writing, and to participate in your fabulous contests, Jason. I'm glad you're still going strong. I look forward to seeing many more new, interesting, and exciting things coming from your direction.

TheTart said...

Happy 1 year ! ! ! !

You had me for minute ... thought you were gonna stop blogging, phew. ; )

The Tart

Linda said...

Happy Blogversary!!

Jason I found ya via Terri's blog. I was curious about your profile picture. I am soo happy I clicked on your blog that day. Your blog quickly became one of my favorites to read. So my friend you keep singing in the night. I am listening. :)

writingblind said...

Happy Anniversary, and please, don't ever stop singing. There's too much silence in the world already.


Flood said...

I found you before I had a blog, in an announcement on AW about the Two Lights contest. Coming here has given me the bulk of my readers and blogroll. I totally credit my blog's success to The Clarity of Night, so thank you.

Happy Anniversary!

Scott said...

You've been a big part of my online experience too. I'm glad to have made your acquaintance, and hope to continue your posts and contests for time to come.

mermaid said...

Keep singing, and we will listen.

Melissa Amateis said...

One whole year! Congratulations, Jason! LOVE the picture of the katydid.

Fran Piper said...

Congratulations! And thanks for a wonderful place to go.

Anonymous said...

Huge Congrats. You've made an amazing site.

Bev said...

thanks for all the encouragement! keep up the good work, I love your stuff

Jeff said...

Happy one year blogger anniversary, Jason. It's been a pleasure to have you as an online friend and fellow writer. :)

anne frasier said...

one year? incredible. you've made an amazing impact in a year.

traditional first year gift: paper

like a ream?
happy anniversary, jason!

word ver: beaup

Anonymous said...

Livewire, you're very welcome! It's been a wonderful gift to truly share those thoughts drifting around in my head.

Anne, you've been with me quite a long time. I want you to know how much I appreciate that. ** The picture of the katydid is a photograph I took one night using a flashlight. Unfortunately, the focus was just a bit off. To salvage it, I applied one of those fine art effects on my photo program to smooth it out.

Michele, thank you! Very kind of you to say. :) Isn't that floating in blackness look of the photo neat! I loved that.

Jaye, =) I'm still blown away by your post. Thanks!

Bernita, when I looked back in my archives, I discovered that you are my longest running regular visitor. I truly appreciate all your patience and support!

Jim, you are one of the wonderful friends the contests have made for me. Thanks!

Tart, I was a little naughty with the suggestion I was stopping. ;) You are one of my newest friends. I'm so glad to have met you!

Beady, your support has been so strong. I really appreciate all you have done for me. Thank you. :)

Rebecca, I sense how much you appreciate the moments of introspection. Sharing those kinds of moments is my highest goal here. I'm very happy we met and found each other's blogs. :)

Flood, thanks so much. You've become such an important part of our network of shared little worlds.

Scott, thanks, my friend. I look forward to learning much more together.

Anonymous said...

Mermaid, sometimes I feel like we're a duet.

Melissa, it has gone pretty fast. Wow! I can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Fran, thank you! Sometimes I feel like we're a group of friends sitting out under the stars.

Eileen, much appreciated. :) I'm eagerly awaiting your book, BTW.

Bev, thank you for the kind words. You've been another wonderful new friend.

Jeff, those of us who started around the same time kind of feel like a school class, doesn't we? We'll probably be having a reunion in a couple of years. :)

Anne, thanks so much! The year has been amazing for me. And thanks for the ream of paper. :D

Anonymous said...

To Everyone: sorry I haven't been around as much. I'm actually away for a couple of days. Luckily, I've been able to jump online now and then, though!

Bhaswati said...

Happy belated Birthday, Clarity of Night! I am so glad for your birth. May you live long and continue to provide rest and joy to visitors like me with your enduring songs :)

Anonymous said...

The song you sing is an aria, both melodious and profound. I am happy to be privy to such talent, and I am delighted to hear that you will continue the performance! Bravo!

As my Seminole grandmother used to say, "May your path be long and bright."

K. Lawson Gilbert

WannabeMe said...

Happy Anniversary.

Off to check how long I've got a blog up. =)

Mark Pettus said...

Happy freakin' birthday. Best wishes for another stellar year.

Esther Avila said...

I'd love to hear ya singing for many years to come. Clarity of Light is one of my favorite blogs. Congratulations on an awesome and successful year.

Esther Avila said...

p.s. love that picture! (frog)

AngelConradie said...

one year and this many visitors and comments on each post...
envious is not the word- and green is really not a good colour on me!

Anonymous said...

Bhaswati, thanks so much! I'm blessed to have you as a friend.

KLG, I'm so humbled by your words. Thank you! I really love being compared to an aria. :)

Dana, I look forward to your anniversary!

Mark, thanks, my friend!

September, thanks for saying so. :) It's been such a treat to host such amazing people.

Angel, I credit all of you. Without your support, I would never have gotten off the ground.

Joni said...

Jason, thanks to you I'm no longer afraid to share my own stuff. You've created such a welcoming environment, I'm eager to see what's new each time I click over. Thanks for your commitment to the blog and thanks for your validation of my very first published flash ever that I submitted to your Midnight Roads contest. Always entertaining and inspiring. You're great.

Anonymous said...

Anna, I'm really grateful for your note. I sometimes wonder how many silent friends I have out there. You are always welcome, Anna, silent or not. :)

Joni, it was a privilege to give you that boost and confidence. Of course, all I did was recognize the talent you already possessed. Thank you for the kind words!

Ginny Warth said...

Congratulations, Jason! I love the picture.

Anonymous said...

It is HEAVEN when you get your writing published don't you think?
Good Job!
Happy Birthday and what better way to celebrate- starting a new contest. Looking forward to hearing some criticism from Anne. You two will make a good team.
Linda Fort-Bolton

Anonymous said...

Little Puddle, thanks!! Do you like my friend?

Linda, much appreciated! :) This is going to be such a blast!

mr. schprock said...

I hope this blog goes on and on and on. It's become an Internet landmark.

Terri said...

A belated happy bloggiversary to you, Jason! Thank you for keeping this quiet place for us.