Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Forms sculpted into hidden forms. Your hues pirouette into shadows.

Whisper to my fingertips.

I will discover you.

(Photo taken at Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania)


SzélsőFa said...

A delicate poem just to match the flowers :) Thank you for the nice moment of reading, Jason.

Chris Eldin said...

Short and sweet. Like a kiss you blow across the room.

JaneyV said...

Wonderful photo - The dark background is a perfect contrast to the warmth in the pink. Beautiful, delicate , female and yet quite bold.

Your words mirror this exactly. Light, elegant and honest.

This puts me in mind of a Georgia O'Keefe I think.

Geraldine said...

Very evocative words. Well done Jason. The photo is very dramatic and erotic too. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

So sensual! Fantastic.

Chris Eldin said...

Found this link and thought you might like it!

The Anti-Wife said...

Beautiful photo!

Jaye Wells said...

Wow, that's beautiful.

Jamie Ford said...

That's lovely. And I'm jealous since it snowed again today...

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous magenta moth orchid! A luminous, sex pink Phalaenopsis, beautifully captured. My favourite parts are the little filamentous tendrils at the bottom of the labellum, that give the bloom a dragon-like appearance, and the mesmerizing stripes that guide the pollinating moth (and the eye) inwards, inwards, towards the very centre of the flower. I love Spring - it's orchid show season and the nurseries and flower shops are bursting with pristine princesses. Did you buy anything? I never can resist but, then again, I am totally obessed, of course.

rel said...

I have an erotic mind set. ;)

The Quoibler said...

This is marvelous on so many levels. A beautiful ode to a sensual flower.



Anonymous said...

Szelsofa, thanks for sharing it. :)

Chris, what a nice way to describe it! Hearing words like these spoken to you is a gift. Kind of the savior for the soul in Only Questions piece.

Janey, light, elegant, and honest...I loved that! The essence of how they were intended. **I darknened the background of the photo in order to bring more attention to the flower. Glad you liked it.

Geraldine, yes, there is somethng very sensual and carnal about orchids.

Beth, orchids can definitely inspire a little heat. If I stare too long, I can get lost in them.

Chris, what an intriguing story!! Thanks for sharing.

Anti-Wife, thanks. :) I got to go a little nuts at the gardens.

Jaye, Longwood Gardens is a beautiful place. It was established by the DuPont family. I'll be sharing more pictures now and again.

Jamie, more snow?! Dear God, man, that's plain wrong!

Electric Orchid Hunter, I was WAITING for you, my friend. And you do not disappoint. Thank you for the background on the orchid! I still marvel at how each species is matched to a certain pollenating insect. I have a bunch more pictures. The orchid display at the gardens was fantastic. As for buying any, I'm afraid I'd kill them. I'm not bad at vegetable gardening and forestry. With indoor plants, though, I suck.

Remiman, nothing wrong with that. :) There was a lot of intimacy, both in the photo and the thought.

Angelique, thanks for feeling the spirit. =)

Miladysa said...

Dreamy :-D

Aine said...

Your words make me want to dance.

Discovery fills my soul. May we never stop exploring....

Geraldine said...

Happy Easter Jason and Aine!

Huggs, Geraldine

Anonymous said...

Miladysa, thanks. :)

Aine, even in the smallest place lies the expanse of a universe.

Geraldine, Happy Easter to you too! We hope you and your family have a wonderful day.