Monday, July 20, 2009

Voting is Closed

Readers' Choice voting for the In Vino Veritas Short Fiction contest is now closed.

Thank you to the 74 participants who cast votes!!

Jaye and I are hard at work judging and scoring. Look for the Winners Announcement at noon on Thursday, July 23rd. (Eastern Time, U.S.) Good luck to everyone!

Commenting has been fabulous. I haven't made it out much beyond these walls, but I hope you all are visiting and sharing more of your writing. There's a treasure trove out there. Truly.

See you all Thursday!!


Jade L Blackwater said...

This was SO much fun!!! Thank you again Jason & Jaye!

Anonymous said...

Now the waiting begins! Can we make it to Thursday?

PJD said...

Commenting was even better than it appears. I know of two people at least that commented on all the entries, but blogger gobbled some of their comments up. I'm told it happened to a couple of mine, too. I did try to comment on every one of the 158+2 entries; if you didn't get a comment from me... it's Blogger's fault!

There are definitely a few people whose blogs I will start lurking on. Not that I need more to do every day!

Laurel said...

I am depleted and bereft.

Aniket Thakkar said...


I just hope blogger didn't eat any of mine. I know at least 4. You, me, Laurel & Catherine. Chris would have completed by now too.

Dunno about Aerin. Its hinghly unlike her to comment on "All" of them. :P

I can see Janey's comments popping all over the place too. :P

JaneyV said...

I went through them all. I noticed that two comments at least were swallowed up.

One more day of school left and I am free to blog again....

JaneyV said...

And I found another that my comment mysteriously disappeared from. I promise that I did comment on them all...

laughingwolf said...

too bad not all writers voted, would have been nice... but great that 74 took the time to do so :)

i managed a comment on every entry, i believe... even with blogger bugs

now, the pressure of the big wait :)

Dr. Ranee Kaur Banerjee said...

I didn't comment on all, but I read all of them and commented on a lot of them. I would've liked to vote but decided not to as this was the first time I entered and felt I could not, should not judge folks who'd been doing this for a while. In fact, I couldn't get my list down to 5! Next time, I'll vote.
Ranee Kaur Banerjee

Deb S said...

So glad I found this blog and this contest. It's been a great experience! Thanks one and all.

All the entries were great. I did read them all and commented on many.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, everyone, for the huge effort!!

Sorry that comments were lost. Sometimes Blogger does get forgetful. At times, comments were pouring in fast. Maybe poor Blogger got confused. No comments went afoul of CoN policy, so none were deleted from this end!

Merry Monteleone said...

Thanks Jason, for hosting - I've had such a great time reading everyone's. It makes sense that blogger would drop some comments - I'm guessing there was a lot of traffic here and sometimes a comment will get lost when people post at the same time.

I don't know if it dropped any of my comments - I read all of them and commented on a lot of them, but not all - so it's hard to remember if I forgot to leave one somewhere or if it just got eaten.

Either way, there were a lot of astounding bits of writing through here. And a great many new bloggers for me to check out when I get back to blogging regularly.

Terri said...

To those of you who commented on all the entries: you deserve a medal! I read all the entries and commented on a number of them but in the end time and square eyes got the better of me, LOL!

When my head stops spinning I believe I have a number of new blogs to go check out too :-)
There's some excellent writing in this contest; good luck to the judges!

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I actually know of 2 instances where Blogger rejected my comment - and they were both for the same entry! It was one of the later ones and I went back to read other comments and mine was gone. Put it in again - went back and it was still gone. I read every single entry but did not comment on all of them but I commented on a good 70%. Now I'm worried how many of them actually went through! Bother. I'll have to recheck if I can spare a moment but the problem with not commenting on every entry is that I don't remember which ones I did and didn't comment on. This was poor strategy on my part. sigh.

The Preacherman said...

Read em all commented on em all - know of several were blogger cocked up my comments.

Enjoyed all this very much.

Thanks Jason. You are a star old bean!

Mona said...

I did read them all, but did not comment on everyone I must confess that!

But all of them are great entries and I congratulate all!

Lexie said...

I read through most of the entries and was going to go back to comment but my vacation began and the hotel I stayed at had no wifi so I couldn't finish the entries.

and now its time to play catch up with schoolwork ugh

Catherine Vibert said...

For those of you who did comment on them all, I found your comments to be welcome company on the journey. Friends along the way, and I really enjoyed all of your presences!

JR's Thumbprints said...

I may have missed one or two entries along the way, but I tried to comment after each. Also, I went with my gut reaction when commenting, and if an entry stayed with me, I went back to it, reread it, and commented again.

Meghan said...

Ack! One more day hard to wait. I hope some of my faves win but again good look to everyone. This was so much fun!

Esther Avila said...

I love reading and commenting on these but was unable to. I tried in vain for hours - literally - to read the stories to no avail. ( at MCAS Cherry Point) I actually cried once because I was so frustrated. Even on my phone it was difficult. And blogger kept eating my comments. I managed to get some in though.
I didn't vote because I couldn't read all the stories and felt it wouldn't be fair.
On the plus side - I am finally home today and I am looking forward to some great reads.
Thanks again Jason and Jaye. I always have fun and learn so much.