Wednesday, October 28, 2009

By the Lamp Would be Lovely

If I were carved wood
a polished accessory
I'd hold drinks unspilled


DILLIGAF said...

Unspilled? You'd be my wooden mate old bean!

the walking man said...

And your glass would always be full.

Vesper said...

Longing for the quietude of inanimate objects?...

Love the pic!

Anonymous said...

A most creative Haiku. But why ruin beautifully carved wood with watery ringlets?

Carrie Clevenger said...

What a great haiku!

Laurel said...

Four Dinners is singin' my song. Everybody needs a friend who will hold your drink without spilling it. Or drinking it!

Tabitha Bird said...

Love it Jason. Beautiful. I need some more unspilled cups in my life. Send one over?

Karen said...

Drinks unspilled - so much unsaid here, Jason. Stories behind the story. Great work.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Love a good haiku.

Anonymous said...

Four Dinners, I'm definitely the table for you.

Walking Man, full, but I couldn't move a hand to drink it.

Vesper, I could use that too. :)

She Poet, you're right. You can never get those water stains out.

A Writer, thanks. :)

Laurel, just a little sip?? Okay, no. It's totally safe with me.

Tabitha, such people are definitely nice to have around.

Karen, I think it's cool that you can sense what I've woven back there.

Angie, now I just have to write one! ;)

Nevine Sultan said...

And those beady eyes speak, and speak, and speak. Love this!

K.Lawson Gilbert said...

Do you keep things so contained because you want to, or you have to? So much said in these lines.

Terri said...

A table? Ah. See, that's why it pays to read the comments before leaving one. Because my initial reaction was to say,
"Ah, Jason, you're SO much more than a wooden coaster, my friend..."

Aniket Thakkar said...

I am the clumsiest man you'll ever meet when comes to handling drinks. Thoughts however, that's another thing...

Anonymous said...

Nevine, I'm sure she (the statue) has seen much.

Kaye, I'm forced to. By my own constitution. But it won't sit, either. Rebellion churns beneath the surface.

Terri, I was imagining myself like one of those wooden butlers. A nice, carved statue with hands holding a snappy little table. ;)

Aniket, just so you don't spill them on someone else. :)

PixieDust said...

Turning an end table into poetry... I love visiting here...



Anonymous said...

PixieDust, thank you for being a part of this place.