when i dissect the dark
i expose muscle
retract stress-cracked bones
biopsy the synapse clouds
of axons and dendrites misfired
i see the age
and degradation
when i dissect the dark
i see how I helped
to cook the thirsty chemicals
now contaminating me
It is alone in the night with only your own thoughts for input when the mental self vivisection is most easily gone through.
Fabulous images
Congrats on that incredibly cool contest you ran. Loved reading those entries.
I am loving your words though. LOVING them!
"when i dissect the dark" is a great image in itself, but added to the rest of the medical imagery makes a powerful statement.
Do we ever stop dissecting ourselves?
Really good layered and visceral lines, Jason!
the dark does that, exposes the decay....
It is like that isn't it?
"I see how I helped
to cook the thirsty chemicals
now contaminating me."
There's something very evocative about that last line! *shivers*
The human condition examined, loved the line 'to cook the thirsty chemicals now contaminating me'.
Dottie :)
word verification: lather
Walking Man, I find sharp instruments during lulls in the workday too.
Leathdykeuk, thanks!
Tabitha, it feels good to be writing again. :)
Karen, I've certainly been at it a long time. I guess I'll always do it.
Bernita, the poem itself is a vivisection.
Shadow, too bad excision doesn't seem to work.
Catvibe, I see you can relate.
Meghan, I suppose we often play a hand in our harms.
Dottie, yeah, the human body's wear and tear.
Self-reflection as a dissection - scientific, surgical, getting down to the bones of it - it works really well!
Of course! Basic laws of karma. Seeing is important, but even more important is to go easy on one's self once one does see, like a gentle father to his child.
We always see better when we "dissect the dark". Always.
JaneyV, I guess us former pre-meds can't help it. ;)
Catvibe, I think I'm slowly learning not to be so ruthless with myself. ...slowly.
Nevine, the real head-scratcher is figuring out what to do with the findings of the exploratory surgery.
Very Splanchnic, very gutty! XD
"dissect the dark" - that phrase alone is so powerfully visual!
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