The keeper, never unburdened
turns an anxious eye
at every hour
to his duty and charge

Climbs the stairs
twelve stories high
carrying eighty pounds of fuel
for another night or two

The landings
and narrow windows
moments to wipe his brow
and pant the crisper air

Then looks down on his house
and the tiny, framed window
knowing that his bed will be stable and dry
but never indulged too long
(This post is also in honor of Aine's birthday. She's a light to me and many others. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!)
Hey Jason,
Oooh I love the description of lying in bed as "indulged," perhaps you know the same situation, Jason, being a night owl!
How are you anyway? It's been ages!
Happy birthday to her and brilliantly structured poetry...The whole place looks almost magical...
Scribblers Inc.
P.S.-Got your mail about the upcoming event...so expect to see me doin back and forth more often! :)
Well forward my happy birthday wishes too :)
And lovely poem. I lobe light houses. Something about all that light in the darkness.
Happy Birthday, Aine!
And happy birthday, Aine!!!
Happy Birthday Aine :)
Such a lovely dedication to her...
I especially liked the third pic...
Happy Birthday to Aine!
Poor lighthouse man :(
Brilliant, I love this. And such great images as well - you do spoil us. Thanks for sharing Jason and happy birthday to aine.
oh, yet another piece about the lighthouse!
i liked it's simple description.
but most of all, happy birthday to Aine!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!!
And thank you, Jason, for the nice surprise when I read your post! :D
PS-- I'm simply reflecting the brilliance of all the wonderful souls around me.
How sweet! And Happy Birthday to Aine as well!
This was fantastic. :)
What a great way to celebrate someone's birthday!
Happy Birthday, Aine, & wishing you many more. :)
I like!
Ashley, although it's probably not obvious, I do read your blog on Google Reader, so it hasn't really been long. ;) And yes, totally a night owl.
Scribblers, that's awesome! Looking forward to everyone stopping by.
Tabitha, there really is something very potent and unique about lighthouses. For some reason, they also have a touch of the ominous for me. Maybe because of their connection to the isolation of the sea.
Karen, thanks for the well wishes.
Precie, are you blogging these days?
Erratic Thoughts, that shadowy figure is our younger daughter. She was racing on ahead.
Mona, I do think it must have been trying.
Petty, thanks for the comments on the photography! I really do love capturing images. I also used the trip to do a photo shoot for the upcoming contest.
Szelsofa, yeah, I think the lighthouse made an impression. :)
Aine, a wonderful way to spend your birthday. :) :) Glad you had a great day!!
Oddyoddyo13, the thought struck me as I looked out that window. How many times had the lightkeeper done the same? How many times had he checked to make sure everything was operating the way it should?
Raine, thanks so much for the well wishes!
Angel, :) Thank you.
very evocative, J
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Cloudia, thank you!
Hope you had a great birthday! We miss you at your blog. You have the responsibility to prep me for the world out there, you know. ;)
The pics are great. Did you take a chopper ride for the last one?
Thanks, Aniket! I did have a wonderful day-- filled with several perfect surprises (starting with this post!)
And, yes-- I'm feeling the itch to dust off my blog again. It's harder with the kids home for summer break, but I can't honestly use that as the excuse. I just need to sit down and write! The last piece I was writing (would be the next in my Al Turtle series) was giving me lots of trouble. Perhaps after this time away I can look at it with a fresh perspective and make it work. In fact, I think I'll look at it today...
Thanks for the motivation, Aniket!!
Oh, and I can answer your last question-- we were at the top of the lighthouse!
great pictures... I love lighthouses for some reason
can't think of a better gift - simply beautiful. i love the keeper, "never unburdened" - but knowing his bed is "stable and dry" - good work making for soft pillows.
and aine - "simply reflecting the brilliance of all the wonderful souls around me." - that made me smile. beauty for beauty.
Furtheron, I'm with you. They have a strange, haunting quality.
Joaquin, I like how you captured the spirit...of both messages.
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