we framed an afternoon
to spread a blanket
despite the rocks
and fluff some pillows
under wind-polished blue
we counted colors
and laughed at faraway birds
letting go of the days
when we were no more than parents
scrambling around after you
Listening for the words in a quiet corner of the night. The fiction, poetry, and photography of Jason Evans.
Wind polished Blue! Now that is a catch phrase!
parenting is a 'job'!
Oh, this got to me, Jason. The last stanza so perfectly describes where I am right now...and "when we were no more than parents scrambling around after you"...the way that life was so concentrated when my kids were little...and then the letting go of that, and the faraway birds, the laughter and the beauty of the ever changing relationship...and...and...
My favorite of what I've read of yours so far. Thank you.
Haha, loved this. Especially the irony of parents relaxing. :)
Beautiful picture. I also like wind-polished blue. Fanatastic!
letting go of the days… it comes in many ways, at many times, all our life… such is life, I think, but then beauty returns with other shapes and meanings…
Beautiful, Jason.
Ditto all of the above...
Hope and Love, I guess that's good. :D
Mona, glad you liked that! I didn't want to go back to the usual blue sky cliches.
Sere, I like hearing when something really resonates with someone. Thanks for telling me! This poem was intended to capture a real moment. On Saturday, up in the Poconos/Catskilss, we did put a blanket down and lie back under a wool blanket. You've described the emotions perfectly.
Oddyoddyo13, I'm very ready to move past the young young stage.
Meghan, I found myself looking at the shapes of trees and the framing created by leaves.
Vesper, yes, very true. I'm ready to move to a new stage. A more delicate, difficult, but very rewarding stage. This is especially where I want to do better than my own childhood.
Bebo, thanks!
of course it did :)
I love the many meanings and connotations of "framed." All work in subtle ways here.
I read a quote recently, attributed to John Keats:
"Poetry should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance."
I think you nailed it.
Relaxed picnics in the park :)
Hope and Love, :)
Bekbek, yes. You know when you kind of approach a moment knowing that it will be framed for the future? A strong memory about to be made?
Terri, I'm very humbled, my friend. :)
Atrisa, one of those just-take-it-in-and-remember moments.
Ahhhh - beautifully expressed.
:) a relaxing and cheerful read
this is truly beautiful Jason...
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