May you have a sprig of greenery in your heart and candlelight in your eyes this night.
Merry Christmas! (And every other holiday or solstice you might celebrate.)
Listening for the words in a quiet corner of the night. The fiction, poetry, and photography of Jason Evans.
Be Well Jason, enjoy the day with the wife and kids and whatever other family surrounds you and in that may you find your own sprig of green and short flame of light. Peace.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas Jason. May you, Aine, and your lovely girls have a lovely and heart opening day and season.
Merry Chriatmas, happy new year, and happy holidays to you and Aine and the whole family.
Walking Man, Patsy, Steph, Catvibe, Precie,
Thank you all for the well wishes! I hope your holiday has been wonderful too.
Merry Christmas xx
Merry, Merry Christmas, Jason, - to you, Aine and girls. xo xo
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