Thursday, August 24, 2006

Entry #21

I Can Dig It
by Jaye Wells

Digging graves is hell on a manicure. But Grandma Lavinia always said good girls clean up after every meal.

My job completed, I leaned on the shovel. The moon was high—plenty of time left before sun rise.

A twig snapped off to my right. Sniffing the air, I realized it was just David. Probably coming to give me shit.

He stalked into the clearing.

Yep, definitely pissed about something.

"What's up?" I asked, playing it cool. Grandma always said a true lady avoided confrontation until absolutely necessary.

"Do you want to explain to me why you are standing over a fresh grave?"

So much for easing into the conversation.

"This grave?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, Sabrina. What happened to bagged blood I gave you?"

"That stuff tastes like shit, David."

He sighed, familiar disappointment in his eyes.

"You know I have to report this."

"Come on. It was just a stupid drug dealer. He was selling to children, David. Though, I have to say, nothing beats the taste of cannabis mixed with blood."

A muscle worked in his jaw. "The law is the law, Sabrina. It's my duty to inform the Council."

With surprise on my side, I swung the shovel in a high arc. The decapitation splattered blood all over my new dress.

Great, in addition to a massive dry cleaning bill, I had to dig another grave.

But smart vampires dispose of problems—even if the problem was a friend.

[Jaye disposes of writing problems at]


Scott said...

Loved the attitude, which was well established with the very first line. On one hand we have a "good girl" who listens to her grandma, on the other, a night stalker sick of playing by the rules. Very cute Jaye.

angie said...

This was so freakin' funny. Great voice.

Anonymous said...

Ah, very nice. Dark, but light.

Jaye Wells said...

Hey, Scott, thanks.

Thanks, Angie!

Jim, that juxtaposition of dark versus light was what I was going for. Glad it came through.

briliantdonkey said...

Nice Job Jaye.

I LOVED the duality of her.


Joni said...

Oh Jaye - You've got such a talent for this. I love the voice, the attitude. 100% fantastic.

anna said...

Love writing that can set the whole tone with dialogue.
Freaky funny diabolical
have I left anything out
oh yeah
damn good writing

Jerilyn Dufresne, author said...

Enjoyed it. Loved the humor. Jer

Anonymous said...

Nice to know that they have a Council, and rules to abide by. ;-)

Jaye Wells said...

Thanks, everyone.

Bonnie, of course they do. Even vampires have to deal with red tape.

Aleah Sato said...


Aleah Sato said...


Anonymous said...

I could feel David's exasperation about the bagged blood. Reminds me of Along Came Polly but, you know, with vampires.

Anonymous said...

playful yet diabolical...the girl next door. good read

Robert Ball said...

What perfect mix of horror and humor. I loved it!

mr. schprock said...

And join Sabrina tomorrow when the dry cleaner asks, "Wait a minute! Where'd all this blood come from?"


"Great, another body to bury and look what I just did to my cashmere sweater!"

Anonymous said...

woo-hoo!! loved it, loved it, Jaye!!!

great title, too!

perfect little piece!

Kathleen said...

Very funny - of course, I'm a little disturbed with myself that a man is decapitated and I'm amused.

Jaye Wells said...

You guys are the best!

Bernita said...

Very engaging voice, Jaye!

writingblind said...

Like everyone else, I love the humor here. Just the right balance of funny and creepy. You could write a whole book around a character like this. Who doesn't like a sassy vampire?

Jaye Wells said...
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Jaye Wells said...

Thanks, Bernita.

Writing, funny you should mention it. This short was set in the same world as my books, although the character was a bit more (pardon me) blood-thirsty than my other characters.

Mindy Tarquini said...

Oh, bravo! Jaye. You set me laughing with that first sentence. It's a story in itself. Angie Johnson-Schmit sent me over. Glad I came.

Jaye Wells said...

MG, thanks so much! Coming from you that's a huge compliment.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic title, great wit. There is an irreverance here that is appealing. Original and definately fun. I would love to read more of this.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, too many peeps using the PC. The above is from Flood

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious! Wonderful read and a definite wonderful narrative voice.

Jaye Wells said...

Flood, a very good friend of mine helped me with the title.

Southern, I'm so glad you liked it.

Shadow, thank you for the compliments.

Anonymous said...

I love vampire stoies and I REALLY like vampires with an attitude. Great writing.

Bhaswati said...

An anti-establishment vampire! That has to be impressive. Clever storytelling in a great voice.

Anonymous said...

"I can dig it." Your creativity is top of the form.

Jaye Wells said...

Thanks Linda, Bhaswati and Bofire. I'm thrilled with the positive response to this story.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the best first line I have read anywhere, anytime, any place!

Jaye Wells said...

Nicholas, the first line came to me as I was driving down the road. It defined the whole story for me.

The Wandering Author said...

A nice little story, and I loved the character's voice. Funny, sassy, and tough. Perhaps a bit too tough, at least I wouldn't want her for a friend, not with that attitude, but fun to read about.

Jaye Wells said...

"at least I wouldn't want her for a friend, not with that attitude" said Wandering Author.

I would imagine the decapitation thing would play into that, too. ;)

Thanks for the nice feedback.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic piece of writing!

I love that first paragraph. It sets the whole tone. And as others have said the humour and darkness work very well. I'd love to read more of this.

A. M. said...

It's really cool.

First two sentences are funny as heck and perfect, they tell us what we need to know.

I also dig when she says "[He's] probably coming to give me shit" and later she claims that the bagged blood "tastes like shit".

Only thing I wasn't crazy about was the last line. Neither the "friend" part nor that she calls herself a smart vampire. We know that.

Instead, I'd have preferred her to check her manicure again and then .... start digging. Or something.

Now, how does this voting thing work? Gotta check.

Jaye Wells said...

A.M., thanks for your feedback. Actually the last line was supposed to echo the lessons of Grandma Lavinia which are mentioned two other times in the story. Perhaps that wasn't clear.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your well-deserved win!

Jaye Wells said...

Thanks, Suzanne. It was a tough field this time. I'm honored.

Anonymous said...

I love the attitude! My kind of vampire. Yeah, that guy was a drag. He was worth the dig. Highest marks overall.

Congrats on the Honorable Mention!

Jaye Wells said...

Jason, thanks again for the contest. I am so happy you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

That was great Jaye. I remember reading that in the book. However I am very happy that the "r" was taken out of her name. It gives the character more of a "roundness" and originality to her.