For those of you who are unfamiliar with Blogger Appreciation Day, it's a day when you recognize and thank a fellow blogger for adding a little something to the world. Part of the honor is to take a picture incorporating some of the things special to your own world. Here is was Little Puddle did for me:
She writes: "You make a point to include the blogging community by holding contests, visiting and commenting on other people's blogs. You have fabulous stories with beautiful pictures. I appreciate the pictures because you include nature and everything around us for inspiration."
In her picture, she has included all things Canadian: a Canadian book, a loon, a twenty dollar bill, a loonie and a toonie (it's hard to see but it's there), and her favourite shoe (with her foot still in it!!)
The most important point of Blogger Appreciation Day is to pass it on. To make another blogger happy and tell them how much you appreciate them.
So tonight I will be emailing my own note and a Pennsylvania picture to Jaye Wells! Happy Blogger Appreciation Day, Jaye!
Jason! What a great surprise on a Monday morning. You really made my day. Thanks. I'll pass on the love to someone.
Congrats, Jaye. I appreciate you, too.
I still think about Jayes haiku, the one about not having sunscreen. Very cute. Happy blogger appreciation day all.
Happy Blogger Appreciation Day Jaye. :)
Oh boy I need to wake up..LOL the above comment was me Beading Gal. I forgot I was signed in on my twin's name. :)
Happy Blogger Appreciation Day Jaye from me too and my twin as well. LOL
What a nice gesture from LP! I love the foot!
Thanks, guys. Scott I'd forgotten about that Haiku, lol.
Jaye, much deserved, my friend. Your blog is always such a welcoming place. :)
Flood, she's so easy to like, isn't she?
Scott and Lori/Beady, thanks for the kind words for Jaye!
Fringes, the foot really makes it, don't you think? :D
Hey, if I didn't have a foot, I wouldn't have favourite shoes, right? Congradulations, Jaye!
Littlepuddle, thank again for the great surprise you gave me!! Can I borrow the shoes now? I've got a big game coming up....
Thanks, LP. Those shoes do indeed rock.
I'm just now seeing this lovely exchange! I so agree with Little Puddle that Jason is a great presence in the world of bloggers. And I look forward to getting to know LP and Jaye better, too. I just don't come round here as often as I would like; I'll try to improve. Cheers and thanks for passing the love around, people!
A bit late, but Happy Blogger Appreciation Day, Jaye, and to all my friends in the blogging community. :)
I love checking out your site. Your pictures are one of the highlights.
Happy B.A. Day!
How cool! LP certainly made an excellent choice. Your blog is loads of fun to read, and you have certainly done an excellent job of encouraging the development of an online writer's community.
Happy (Belated) Blog Appreciation Day Jason!
Very cool appreciation blog LP.
Mary Louisa, I missed you! I'll have to stop over and see how you're doing. Are the aliens still good?
Jeff, thanks for spreading the good will!
Normiekins, isn't LP great?? I got such a kick out of her picture. I also really enjoyed doing my picture for Jaye.
Eileen, thank you, my friend! It's such a gift to have a place to share these thoughts with you.
Dana, thanks! :)
JLB, thanks so much for saying so. :)
Marcail, you have a good one there. I'm sure you're very proud.
I've decided to wait and do my BAD (ha!) on a random day no one will expect. That's the beauty of it. PLus I had to figure out a picture. And yours is hard to top.
Absolutely, Jason.
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