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Index of Entries:
Agnew, J P: "Two Lights" (#5)
Allen, Robin: "Reality" (#8)
Allison, Andrea: "The Night" (#38)
2ND PLACE--Avila, Esther: Entry #6
Baker, Robert J.: "The Dark Hallway" (#39)
Beaufort, Marie: Entry #37
Berdahl, Myron: "Two Lights" (#28)
Bodayla, Keith: "Katrina's Legacy" (#34)
HONORABLE MENTION--Calvente, Zara: "Too Well Illumined" (#31)
Dufresne, Jerilyn: Entry #15
Ellis, Scott: "Hard Love" (#17)
Ellis, Scott: "Chip Off the Old Block" (Entry to Share)
3RD PLACE--Ellison, J.T.: "You Say Monet, I Say Manet" (#14)
Erre, Anne: "Hard Day's Night" (#23)
1ST PLACE--Ford, Jamie: "Giving Her the Bird" (#19)
Ghosh, Bhaswati: Entry #9
Hammel, John: "Leave the Lights On" (#35)
Harris, Bernita: "Beacon" (#2)
James, Erik Ivan: "Death, Away" (#7)
Janice, Lucretia: "Lights Extinguished" (#16)
HONORABLE MENTION--Johnston, SF: "Every Hope and Dream" (#33)
Lady M: "Waking Light" (#30)
Landry, Forrest: "Headlight" (#27)
Leone, Tsavo: "Images, Portents" (#25)
Leone, Tsavo: "Room Service" (Entry to Share)
Liadis, Paul: "Do Not Touch" (#36)
Long, Chong Yen: "Two Lights" (#29)
McAuley, John: "Dawn and Twilight" (#22)
Mishra, Sanjaya: "The Attraction" (#40)
Nain, Paul: "Exit Eden" (#11)
Neale, Jeff: "Rekindled" (#3)
Perry, Lyndon: "The Twin Lights of Life and Liberty" (#24)
Sathyamurthy, Jayaprakash: Entry #41
Seamans, Sandra: "A Wealth of Love" (#1)
Simard, Ann Marie: "Two Lights with No Beacon (#10)
Stitzel, Jim: Entry #18
Thornquist, John: "Midnight Rendezvous" (#21)
Vax, Flood: "The Widower's Light" (#4)
Warner, Bethany K.: "Blinded by the Light" (#12)
Welch, Terri: "Two Lamps" (#26)
Wells, Jaye: "Emancipation" (#13)
Wilson, John: "Beacons" (#20)
Wood, Daniel Marshall: "An Unexpected Invitation" (#32)