Click HERE for Contest Rules and Announcement
Click HERE for the Winners Announcement
*Aerin Rose, The Fire Blessing (#70) READERS' CHOICE
*Allinotte, Chris, After (#65)
*Ainsworth, M.G., Revenge of the Jellybeans (#36)
*Andrews, Jana, Voices (#21) 4TH PLACE
Arens, Andrew, False Exit (#95)
Artstein, Rachel, Surviving (#38)
*Barron, Lee A., Emblazoned (#14)
*Barton, Cath, Mine, All Mine (#6)
*Bergstresser, Ellis, Gravida (#59)
*Biswas, D., No One Would Catch Fire (#90)
Blackwater, Jade Leone, Solarrivum (#12)
*Bhatia, Amrita, Art-Ache (#4)
*Bury, Col, Till Death Do Us Part (#82)
*Castillo-Oriard, Guilie, Mercury Charms (#97) HONORABLE MENTION
*Choco, Won't You Come? (#51)
*Conor, Kilian, The Answer (#3)
*Cormier, Sandra, The Palace (#60)
*CW, The Gaze (#35)
*Davidson, Peter, The Wall (#86) 3RD PLACE
*Dhanke, Prashant, Demon (#85)
Diwakar, Manasi, Benedictio in Operto (#100)
*Domingo, J., The Crossing (#56)
Dudley, Peter, Shadows On Concrete (#50)
*Eaton, Loren, Golem (#26) 2ND PLACE & READERS' CHOICE
*Ellis, Susan, Reconciliation (#27)
Evans, Jason, Re-Creation YOUR HOST
*Fox, Gef, Dante's Descent (#42)
*Four Dinners, Bastet (#47)
Frasier, Anne (Theresa Weir), Blood Moon GUEST WRITER
*Friz, Aidan, Antimatter Roses (#80)
*Gillian, Claire, The Karmic Mobius (#29)
*Green, Lisa Gail, The Road To Hell (#18)
Greenberg, KJ Hannah, Elementary (#5)
*Haws, Joni, All We Are (#23)
*Hickman, Michelle, Parting Ways (#11)
Hina, Sarah, The Prime Mover GUEST WRITER
*JaneyV, Instinct (#83)
*Job, Rebecca, The Five (#16)
*Joos, C., Publish or Perish (#66) HONORABLE MENTION
*Joyce, Thomas, Don’t Play With Me... (#78)
Kansas Bob, The Day My Heart Went Nova (#22)
*Kewin, Simon, I Saw Hearts But You Saw Skulls (#77) HONORABLE MENTION
*Krenshaw, Darby, RIF (#48) 1ST PLACE
*Krunal, Comfortably Cold (#32)
*Kunjal, The Last Shot (#8)
*Laine, Aimee, Twisted Fairytale (#2)
*Langridge, Gina, The Right Choice (#9)
Lapham, Bill, An Innocent Sun (#13)
*Larson, C. Sonberg, Samsara (#55) HONORABLE MENTION
*Levangie, Richard, Bait (#75)
*Liadis, Paul, It’s Getting Hot In Here (#39)
MacArthur, Jodi, Der Morgenstern (#54)
*McFarland, Peggy, Not Today (#40) HONORABLE MENTION
Mitchell, Christopher, Shed (#67)
*Morse, Michael, The Ball (#53)
*Mukherjee, Mithun, Revelation (#72)
Mullen, Wills, The Seventh Bowl (#25)
Murty, Yamini, Cheating Death (#69)
*Mystico, A Study in Scarlet (#73)
Nagel, B., Flame, At a Distance, Over Water (#94)
O'Connor, Brigid, Muslin-Shrouded Boy (#93)
*Odhner, Melanie, Don’t Touch the Fire (#20)
Parrish, Stephen, Seven Stories GUEST WRITER
Pelle, Adina, Deviation of Time and Space (#19)
Phatichar, Red Herring? (#92)
*Precie, Oleander (#24)
Proctor, Elizabeth, Exit (#98)
Quin, Matthew, Aspire (#45)
Ranganathan, Sivasankari, I Obsess You (#99)
*Robertshaw, Hilary, On the Breeze (#101) HONORABLE MENTION
Rohan, Graduation Day (#68)
*Rosser, J. Ryan, Deliverance (#81)
Roush, Bruce, Sanziene (#57)
*Russ, Wendy, The True Story of How Casey Tilson Became a Vegan (#89) HONORABLE MENTION
*Ryan-Harper, Linda, Georgia Finds Nirvana (#71)
Sagri, Margaret, The Command from Above (#52)
*Salas, Alexander, The Mark (#76)
Scheer, Wayne, Seeing the Light (#31)
*Scott, Apple Ardent, Nanosecond (#64)
*Scott, Craig, Consequences (#7) 5TH PLACE
Sheila, Annabel, Destiny (#10)
Simpson, Scott, The Fire (#74)
*Smith, Rita L., Shadow and Light (#17)
*Smythe, Debbie, Heart of God (#91)
Solender, Michael J., Troubled Mind (#84)
Speedwing, L.A., The Calling (#96)
*Swafford, Bethany, Fever (#44)
SzélsőFa, Light (#33)
Tan, Francis, Your Mother (#88)
*Tanay, Karla, Heart Breaker, Life Taker (#58)
Taylor, Dottie, Soul Survivor (#61)
Thakkar, Aniket, Quest (#43)
*Thurston, Jay R., Big Bang (#79)
*Tomlinson, Katherine, The Singularity of Orlando T. Baker (#1)
*Tomlinson, James R., The Day I Helped Günter Rhodes Find His Way, I Found Myself (#46) HONORABLE MENTION
*Trexler, Roger Dale, The Burn (#63)
Vibert, Catherine, Hope Unplugged (#28)
*Vogt, Josh, Outside the Lines (#15) HONORABLE MENTION
*Wade, Phil, Wilruf the Plunderer (#62)
*Wavemancali, H E Double Hockey Sticks (#34)
*Watters, Charlene, Death Day (#37)
Whittle, Margaret D., The Queues (87)
*Wilson, Juliet, Escape the Burning Earth (#102)
*Wing, Rocky, Weightier Things (#49) HONORABLE MENTION
*Zobair, J.A., The Ugly American’s Guide to the Care and Feeding of Mothers (#30)
*Zugnoni, Michele N., Blank Canvas (#41)
(*Denotes Forties Club entries: those scoring at least 40 out of 45.)
uhm, this is just a technical question: i sent my entry 6PM Thursday 14 July, yet I have not received any feedback (confirmation). is it the usual way, or should i send it again?
szelsofa--this isn't unusual. Jason seems to be posting entries in groups of 10, and he sends email confirmation when he posts each entry. According to his twitter feed this morning, we're up to 37 entries so it may take a while for him to catch up, especially since I assume he's at his day job right now too.
I submitted mine Wednesday evening...after he'd already received 23 entries (23 on the first day!)...so I haven't gotten confirmation yet either. Don't sweat it. If you don't see yours after entry 37, then maybe resending would be a good idea.
Hope this helps!
It can take a day or so before updates are made, so yeah, patience, folks! So many fun entries so far. Can't wait to see what else is to come.
thank you Precie!
i figured out he posts the entries in clusters of 10, but your insight makes the whole procedure even more clear! thanks!
Josh, i know it may take awhile to see my entry posted up here, i was wondering about an email response.
Hi everyone! Szelsofa, yes, I did receive your entry, and it is true that it takes some time before entries are posted. I only give an acknowledgement email when an entry is posted and not before. There are a couple of reasons for that. First, until I prepare an entry for posting, I don't know that it meets the requirements, especially the word count. Secondly, I use the replies as a way to track who is posted and finished. It's a good idea to watch the received vs. posted numbers on Twitter.
Precie is right!! Contests are harder for me to run now that there are so many more demands on my time. I might be a little slower than in the past. But hopefully not too much. :)
your thoughtful and detalied explanation is much appreciated, Jason! thank you!
Szelsofa, presuming everything is in good shape (i.e., word count), you will be #33. Thanks!
I spool don't relish having to narrow down to a top 5.
Feedback for the next contest, I wish that the usernames could be posted on this list next to the actual names of people. I often know a person by their username so it's a bit confusing at times.
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